In the beginning there was Jason and then there was Coleen. And somehow, in God’s unfathomable sense of humour, he brought us together. Those of you who know us, know that we do not take one another all that seriously. Actually, people who do not know us and meet us for the first time think we kind of despise one another, but it is all part of the strange love we have for one another.
Well, after many many years and much… pleading on our friends and family parts, Reagan came along, and our family was complete. For now anyways, until the family and friends start missing the baby stage as Reagan grows up; then they'll start asking about #2.
So who are we? We are ordinary people with ordinary lives going about our ordinary business. It is our community that really adds that special touch of quirky awesomeness to our lives each and every day. Hopefully we can share some of that with you here on occassion. Being a family of 3 with a wee one doesn’t allow us to get out much right now, so this is our little way of staying connected with the world and drawing you all into ours as well.
Thanks for dropping by.
And remember, don't take us too seriously, cuz we sure as heck don't.
p.s. Mike Chu is DEAD sexy
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Joyce (My cousin) & hubby Ray: Part of the *STILLMOTION team