“How time flies…” that is what people say. The Chu’s 2013-2014 year did not merely fly by, it went in fast forward. I remember how I was able to cherish every moment with Reagan (sometimes even willing the time to go by), but with Ava, it seems as though her first year was more of a surreal experience. Having mom at home with us is gift beyond any value, we have been truly blessed to share our home with Jason’s family. God knew just what we needed to get through this year and provided for us.
Ava came into this world in a mad rush. I felt my first pangs of labour after the midnight hour, followed by painful and closer contractions by 6 am, and then after 10 minutes of pushing, Ava came into the world at 9:21 am. Immediate relief coupled with complete adoration for this baby girl was how we started her first year. Who knew it was a sign of what the next year had in store for us…
To be honest, I was quite scared about rearing a second child. Reagan was such a sweet baby and has grown into a wonderful little girl, I could not help but ask myself, “Could I get lucky twice?” And again, my Father heard my prayer and gifted us with an even easier baby. Ava’s first few months were a dream – she slept extremely well for a newborn, upwards of 20 hours in a day (I had to ask her doctor if that was normal because I was afraid there was something wrong with her). She learned day from night quickly, and took to breastfeeding very easily. Jai and I did not have to suffer the late night pacings or long car rides to get the baby to sleep. Nor did we have to worry about her weight-gain and feedings – she truly inherited the Chu-genes.
Since Ava’s quiet beginnings, she has not been shy to show off her own unique and ever-present personality. She is spunky and LOUD and quite opinionated for a little girl as you will see this in some of the photos below. Reagan and Ava are two sisters who could not be more different from one another in just about every way possible. Let’s hope that opposites attract, otherwise I see a world of pain for mommy and daddy in the future.
What the two girls share in common, is their love for food. Reagan loves savory foods like soup noodles, chips and Pretz…really, anything with salt in it. She has NO love for fruits and took a few years to warm up to candy, juice and ice cream (but now she is a HUGE fan of them). Ava enjoys her savory, especially her puffy snacks, but she does not mind overdosing on the sweet. Fruit – Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
From a very early age, Ava has displayed a clear affinity for music. She will sing, bounce and clap along to a tune, and to the right beat too! Her Music Together teacher has noted on many occasions how musical Ava is, and remembering Reagan from classes in previous years, often commented how different she was. Ava is a joy to watch and sing (or in her case, squawk) along with. She even gets her groove on to her older sister’s rendition of Frozen’s, Let it Go, so you KNOW there is sisterly love there!
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Where Ava really shines though is all in her vocal and facial expressions…she has so many of them! There is the resounding, “EH!” when she doesn’t like what is in front of her. The “mum mum mum” when she wants to eat, and there are a plethora of sounds she will make when she is happily playing. What Ava has down pat is her stoneface like her daddy. She’s got a good poker-face this baby, so watch out! But when she is feeling gleeful, she cannot help but share it with everyone. Her eyes turn into up-side-down moon crescents and she throws her arms up into the air. If we are lucky, she will toss in a cheeky expression or two that wins hearts over, just to show us who is boss. This girl is definitely boss!
There really are no words that can accurately articulate what I feel for this little girl. My baby is not a baby anymore. And even though she loves and still needs me, she is quickly exerting her independence. She has been furniture walking for some time now, even climbing up stairs with no fear of heights she is reaching. But when I hold her up to try to walk her, she immediately buckles her knees and goes down. This one wants to learn it ALL herself…I don’t mind so much, but it only affirms that she is her own person, no longer an extension of mommy.
I love you baby girl. Please please please promise you will love your mommy later as much as you do now.
by IrishGirlie