by Duncan » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:39 am
I think you're talking about extreme fanaticism though. You can't generalize all fans in that mold. There will be those who take it to that next level, but there are also those who just like it and watch it. It's not like it's taking over everyone's life though. Sure i can see how it can become a way of idolatry, and you don't take a day off work to drive your vw, but if there's a vw you really want, you'd go that extra mile to get it like driving all the way to chilliwack to pick up your vw or where ever it was just because they had the colour or whatever you wanted. You don't know the VW CEOs or designers or engineers, but you enjoy their product. And that's exactly what sports is. It's a product, and people enjoy the entertainment of their local sports team. You may not take a day off to recuperate from a hang over, or take a day off to watch the game, but you take a day off to go to vegas because you're a fan of the good times there. I dunno, imo it's the same thing. Take a day off for what's important to you.
You can slice it up in any way, truth be told, everyone has their idols. Don't misunderstand, i'm not attacking VWs or you personally by isolating your affection for VWs, but just because some people will be hung over tomorrow doesn't mean everyone will be. Some people get drunk and hung over celebrating their friend's wedding... Yes, you have a point in saying that none of us personally know the canucks or trained them, and it's different celebrating a friends wedding because you know them, but when has anyone in history needed a "real" excuse to drink. haha...
i think this whole thing is so polarizing because it's such a big deal in this city. Some people love it and some people hate it. Just because some people love it, why do you have to dislike those people, and just because some people don't like it, why do you have to dislike those people? cant' we all just get along. If you don't like it, then don't watch it... there's always Wicked playing at the QE tonight... lols... jkjk
i really should be working