by geForce » Fri May 01, 2015 2:20 pm
***spoilers, kind of*******
So, this movie was kind of disappointing in some ways. It was entertaining for sure, but the storyline is blah. The movie is called "Age of Ultron", so you expect this to be some kind of ongoing saga or world-changing event. Nope... it was resolved in what seems to have been just a couple of days. There wasn't even much carnage on a global scale. Ultron was created, then wreaks havoc on a small city, then Avengers save the day and Ultron is completely wiped out in such a short timeframe. The only important thing to come out of it was The Vision. I think this whole movie was supposed to be just a way to introduce The Vision and tie it into the next movies.
Best part was Ironman's Hulk-buster suit.