by nature boy » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:45 pm
oh man, i just have to share this hand i just played.
i was dealt 8 7 suited, so i thought i was going to donk it up. some guy bet 2.2 mil, the guy beside him went all in with 2.5 mil. another guy calls, i call, and another guy calls then the original raiser raises it up by going all in with 32 mil. the guy right before me calls and the last guy and i fold. three way hand. flop was j 10 6, then turn was a 9! then a 2. i folded the nut straight!!!
turns out the guy who went all in with 2.5 mil had ace 10, he was knocked out.
the guy who went all in with 32 mil had pocket kings, and he too was knocked out.
because the other guy that called (a 32 mil raise) had.... 8 7 suited.
what the hell is wrong with this game and these players man.