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Re: superman/batman

Postby nature boy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:22 pm

ok, maybe i should say marvel movies of the past 5 years > dc movies of all time.
i think they played the avengers right with the movies leading up to it, and the spiderman reboot was pretty well done as well. the whole x-men first class was a great idea, but wolverine origins was pretty bad at best.

however, the dark knight movies were awesome, but i just can't see the superman/batman or justice league movies doing very well. well, maybe they can do well in the box office in the same way transformers did, but i don't see them being good movies.

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Re: superman/batman

Postby nature boy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:27 pm

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Re: superman/batman

Postby joel » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:38 pm

yeah outside of nolan dc hasn't had much success on the big screen recently. they have lots of good material to draw upon just dunno why they don't use it better.

GL was horrible
Man of Steel could have been better too.
I still have hope if they do a Flash adaptation, but they can't really afford to botch that up if they want to do an eventual JLA crossover.
not sure if wonder woman would ever work well on the big screen.
Aquaman might work too, but i think they need Flash done right first.
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Re: superman/batman

Postby geForce » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:43 pm

I think DC superheroes are kinda lackluster in general, except for Superman, Batman and Green Lantern.
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Re: superman/batman

Postby nature boy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:41 pm

that's why i always thought marvel > dc. marvel's characters always seemed better to me. not to mention that marvel had transformers and gi joe before they were originally discontinued.

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Re: superman/batman

Postby joel » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:40 am

DC has easily the most iconic heroes/villains of all time,
Marvel probably has a more deeper pool of mainstream successful characters.

but i find there are tonnes of interesting characters in the DC verse outside of bats, sups and gl.
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Re: superman/batman

Postby nature boy » Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:48 am

so all this marvel talk made me want to watch avengers last night (that, and the fact i had a pile of laundry folding and ironing to do).
i realised my whole argument of marvel "doing it right" with the same actors and such is thrown out the window with the whole hulk fiasco haha.

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Re: superman/batman

Postby joel » Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:36 am

the continuity between hulk/incredible hulk/avengers isn't really clear. there is certainly some discontinuity between the three story arcs. although chronological there is a bit of progression there.

in avengers, they didn't really dig much into bruce/hulk story line though.

I'm not sure why the avengers movie gets so much acclaim though. i'm a huge whedon fan but I thought this movie was only mediocre. he has had a lot other better works in my opinion.
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Re: superman/batman

Postby geForce » Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:16 pm

I'm guessing $$ = acclaim. Avengers is one of the top 5 (if not the top) money-making movies of all time.

That being said, I think the Avengers has a lot of points where they could've improved on, but compared to all other Marvel live-action movies, this was done the best. I'm only comparing to all other Marvel movies though.
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Re: superman/batman

Postby joel » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:46 pm

for marvel movies, i thought spidey1&2, ironman 1, first class > avengers

i think with avengers, if you ignored the fact that it's a super cross over from several different marvel franchises: then the story alone, the acting is just ok. it completely relies on character development built on past movies.
as a comic fan its a pretty huge disappoint to be missing key members of the avengers like antman & wasp. not to mention loki was a disappointing choice for a villain. it's like hey didn't thor already kick this guys butt single handedly and pretty easily i might add. and now it takes a whole team to take him down now? there were significant portions of plot that didn't really make much sense.
it is still a good movie, but it's not the best thing since sliced bread.

if $$ = acclaim, then i guess transformer 3 must be highly acclaimed sitting at #6 on that list.. heck star wars episode 1 sits at #13 on that list above movies like dark knight.
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Re: superman/batman

Postby geForce » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:13 pm

I thought Spidey 1 (I'm assuming the Tobey Mcguire one?) was good, but it was more of a novelty thing for me since it was the first big screen Spiderman movie to have ever come out. The casting choices were excellent (except for MJ). Spidey 2 was pretty awful though... that's when they lost me with the whole dorky loser geek personality (vs smart but nerdy geek). The new Spiderman movie did the witty and smart personality better - the whole "knives are my greatest weakness" bit was classic Spiderman dialogue.

Ironman 1 was great and for me, it comes close to being as good as Avengers, but the whole multi-superhero thing put Avengers over the top, just by a bit.

I'm not sure I liked XM: First Class that much. The movie was kind of boring. I'm looking forward to Days of Future Past though. There's seems to be a lot more going on in that one with the sentinels and stuff.
Last edited by geForce on Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: superman/batman

Postby geForce » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:15 pm

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Re: superman/batman

Postby nature boy » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:41 pm

when i first saw spiderman 1 i thought it was awesome. but then i watched it again and i wondered what the heck was i thinking. i admit i bought spiderman 2 on dvd though, as i thought it was better but i think only because alfred molina did a pretty good job as doc ock.

i thought avengers was great, but maybe because the movies leading up to it were so bad. sure, the tesseract kill switch was pretty stupid and loki wasn't the best choice in villians, but i felt all other aspects of the movie was great from direction to effects to casting.

we'll see how this superman/batman movie shapes up though.

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Re: superman/batman

Postby joel » Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:03 pm

most likely horrible, but we can always hope.

so when do they do the gijoe/transformers live action crossover?
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Re: superman/batman

Postby nature boy » Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:34 am

HAHAHAHA could you imagine? that would be the mashup of some of the most horrible live-action comic book adaptations ever. maybe they should throw in dolph lundgren's punisher... or better yet his he-man as well.

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