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nintendo 3ds vs sony xperia phone

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nintendo 3ds vs sony xperia phone

Postby nature boy » Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:59 pm

not like i need another phone or a gaming console, but which would you get? i hear they're in competition as a gaming console

i'd probably stick with the 3ds since i've had every nintendo system since the 80's (except for game cube...and super gameboy), but the new sony phone looks pretty badass (not sure if this is the psp phone they were talking about).

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Re: nintendo 3ds vs sony xperia phone

Postby joel » Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:54 am

what?!? you had a virtual boy too? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Boy

i think whether you want a single device to be your console/phone will greatly factor into this... why would someone want to spend 500+ on the sony one if they only intend to use it as a console. from what i've seen the xperia phone is going to be more than twice the price of the 3ds. that means if the phone portion sucks than the system fails altogether...

so i'm going to say 3ds... but then again i have never owned a handheld gaming console in my entire life, so my opinion cant count for much.
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Re: nintendo 3ds vs sony xperia phone

Postby geForce » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:14 am

It's kind of weird to compare a handheld console with a phone + game console.
They've also announced the PSP2 console too, so that would probably be the better comparison.

I heard some crappy reviews on the 3DS. It's bad for your eyes, and plus it screws with eye development in young kids. They could end up going cross eyed.
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Re: nintendo 3ds vs sony xperia phone

Postby nature boy » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:29 am

haha, i forgot about the virtual boy, maybe because it only sold like 4 units worldwide.

i was just reading an article yesterday that was comparing the 3ds to the sony phone, which i thought was weird too, but i thought i'd post up anyway... you know, not to increase post count or anything...

apparently the 3ds is cooler than you'd think, i don't know about messing up your eyes, but it's almost unreal how it works. makes me wonder how it works.

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