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The Chu Forums • View topic - Jackass 3D

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Jackass 3D

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Jackass 3D

Postby Duncan » Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:53 am

So i watched a rip of this last night with alicia. Wasn't in 3d cuz we obviously didn't buy it...

anyway, same ol antics... some pretty gross stuff worthy of a few dry heaves on my part... had some good laughs...

6/10 on a movie scale... 8/10 on a lol scale...
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Re: Jackass 3D

Postby nature boy » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:12 am

i never even saw the second one. the first one was disgusting, but had a few laughs.

but man, johnny knoxville is getting old for this stuff.

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Re: Jackass 3D

Postby Duncan » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:20 am

actually, it seems like the crew grew to twice the size since the first movie... knoxville only does a small handful of stunts... the rest are spread around all the other clowns...

There was one skit that was pretty funny... in a narrow hallway, they strung what looked like 2 dozen tazers from the ceiling and had a spinning rod with tazers on either side as well... and in the hallway they nailed hurdle-like 2x4's to the walls so guys couldn't just run across.. you had to crawl/jump/squirm through the hallway... it was pretty funny... but man, the sound of two dozen tazers going off at the same time is terrifying haha...
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Re: Jackass 3D

Postby nature boy » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:28 am

haha, that's pretty cool.
it reminds me of some sitcom that was on the other day, i forget the name. but they had a laser pointer or something, and they put mirrors all around the room so the beam is reflected all around, and they had to maneuver through it like in Entrapment. it was pretty funny.

oh, and i checked, johnny knoxville is 40 this month.

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Re: Jackass 3D

Postby Duncan » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:37 am

yea, he looked like he was getting along in the years in the movie too.. his hair looked a little more white...

you should check it out just for giggles... it's not bad... if you're playing poker tonight bring a usb key and i'll give you the movie
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Re: Jackass 3D

Postby nature boy » Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:17 pm

sure, if i remember.

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