So dragon age II just came out last week and it looks pretty cool. Seeing as i didn't play the first dragon age i was gonna go on CL and buy it off some dude... offered a guy $30 for DA: Origins and the expansion pack and he said he'd go for it. Then i realised that DA is also a PC game... lol... d/ling as we speak... i think my rig can play it at medium settings. So much for replying to the guy to meet up... haha... i'm gonna play it for free pirated!! not that i condone these actions....
Anyone play it or know anything of it? i've heard it's good stuff but it's super long. Looks like an MMORPG style type game... i have a feeling i'll only get through 20 hours max before i realise i have more important things to do that don't cause Alicia to yell at me for...