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Postby Duncan » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:59 am

So Alicia and i caught this new show last night and i'm not sure if i like it or think it's lame...

It's hosted by Howie Mandel, and the whole premise of the show is they get a flash mob to surprise someone because someone wants to tell them something. Essentially, the flash mob is supposed to diffuse the situation. There were 2 episodes back to back last night and the first one was for some dude who flash mobbed a girl that he's been chatting with for 5 years over the internet but never met her and he travelled cross country to tell her she liked her. They dragged her through this elaborate flash mob and at the end he told her that he packed everything into a truck and drove to LA to be with her and if she gave him the word, he'd stay and be with her or leave and go somewhere else. The girl said stay... aww...

the second episode was for some chick who was afraid to tell her mom that she has been divorced for years and that she had a son that her mom didn't know about. So they dragged this unsuspecting mom through this flash mob and in the middle the chick tells her mom about her divorce, and that she's had a "man in her life for the past 6 years" and she wants her to meet him. So they drag this mom to the end of the mob and there's a big present box there and they open it up and there's this 6 year old kid with a mic and he says "hi, i'm blah blah blah, and i'm your grandson"

alicia loved it because she likes cheese and anything on prime time with dancing... but i'm not sure how long a show like this can last...
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Re: Mobbed

Postby nature boy » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:23 pm

well, it lasted a while since it's an old show lol.
i saw an episode about a year ago (first of 6 that season, i think) where a guy wanted to propose to his girlfriend. they pretended that there was this other girl that was interested in him (other girl was hot, he was ugly and unavailable, not believable imho) and she got all jealous and stuff. then all of sudden everyone broke out in song and dance and he proposed to her.

i was thinking he should have broke up with her. she was annoying. then again, he was no catch himself lol.

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Re: Mobbed

Postby Duncan » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:38 pm

lol.. it's old? haha.. how long has it been on? cuz you know, i'm too lazy to look it up on imdb
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Re: Mobbed

Postby nature boy » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:09 pm

not sure, i remember they were talking about it during a season of america's got talent. so maybe a year? because you know, i'm not going to look it up either.

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Re: Mobbed

Postby nature boy » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:12 pm

okok just for lulz and post count, i looked it up here:

pilot aired march 30, 2011, so i guess not quite a year. and i forgot they actually got married, not just engaged. what a set up.

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Re: Mobbed

Postby nature boy » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:14 pm

hm, it says that it was supposed to be a one time thing, but from what i remember howie kept promoting it and saying that if you want to get a flash mob done, send in your ideas and they'll get it done for you.


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Re: Mobbed

Postby geForce » Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:45 am

Daffy loves this show... I think Howie Mandell is really annoying. Even his ideas are annoying.

The choreographer couple from So You Think You Can Dance does the flash mob choreographing for this show.
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Re: Mobbed

Postby nature boy » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:29 pm

howie is funny sometimes. and he's the most entertaining judge on america's got talent, that's for sure.

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Re: Mobbed

Postby Duncan » Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:18 pm

yea, but that's like saying he's the coolest idiot on a panel of idiots on america's got talent...

and lol at there only being 4 aired episodes so far... this is new in my books lol...
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Re: Mobbed

Postby nature boy » Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:05 pm

yeah, i realised that after i found that article. it's weird that howie was totally promoting it saying that you can email him flash mob ideas and if he likes it, he'll set it up for you.

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