by Duncan » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:25 am
played about 8 hrs in so far. I find it very simple. There's not much challenge, and the game funnels you through the game play and force feeds you the story. I haven't played many of the recent final fantasy games but the last one i played was FFX i think. FFXIII just seems like a "my very first final fantasy" type intro game. There isn't any open world exploration, and not being able to control other characters in your party kinda sucks. Things seem to have been dumbed down quite a bit. Everything is super simple and very easy to understand. Not that a game should be complex, but this seems like a little overkill. Maybe i'm just a hard core ff fanboy. Although the paradigm shift functionality is admittedly pretty cool.
The game play is fun nonetheless, and the graphics are the best i've seen of any game i've played so far. I like the battle system. It's pretty ingenious how they've set it up.
All in all, it's not what i expected, but it's still fun. The characters are a bit emo though.
P.S. Futureshop should redefine what "Pre-Order" means. WTF... how can a preorder be out of stock on release day!? WTFF...
i really should be working