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Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:31 am
by joel
Post some of your fav here:
Here's one of mine for Protoss.. Scout+Gas.
With a slightly reduced mineral cost of an Assimilator, with 150 minerals you can cover both gas patches on an enemy base while scouting it with a probe. Any diversion of their workers to destory will cost them valuable economy (likely more than the 150 it cost you). And once fully warped in they have 900hp to chew through. It will definetely set them back on units requiring any gas... and if you want you can go right into a cheese cannon rush while they are distracted with destroying the Assims. I think key is to do it as early as possible. If they don't destory both immediately you also have a temporary scout in the players base that allow you to observe build order and counter appropriately.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:10 pm
by jeSteR
Your challenge here is that you'll need to monitor as if I see that you've taken both my gas supply, I can easily move to a 3 / 4 gate zealot rush on you. because of the 150 you spent on the extra Assims, and the 150 that I didn't spend on mine, If I can reach you fast enough, I'd have a 3 Zealot advantage over you. If I decide not to rush you, Zealots cost no gas and two of them would make quick work on one of your assims. If you can micro well enough, what I recommend is starting the one assim, then hiding your probe out to build a proxy pylon. Then right before the assim is finished, cancel the assim. You get all your minerals back and would have delayed them enough to get some decent build info and just general harrassment.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:09 pm
by joel
Of course no strategy is free of a counter, but hopefully you can catch them off guard and get a leg up teching.
Here's another I thought of but haven't tried as it is more of an end game tactic.
This requires a team up strat with the protoss and terrans. The duration of a Mothership's Vortex and the charge up for a Ghost's nuke are 20 seconds, so if timed well with a teamate, and a well placed vortex ensuring to capture any detectors guarantees a pretty damaging nuke. this would work best against non terrans race, who don't have the luxury of the comsat. You can technically take out a significant army with only 2 units. A great defence against large clustering air like carriers, brood lords, bcs.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:21 pm
by joel
Raiding Strats
Reapers are great for economy raiding throughout the whole game. I didn't think much of these units in the beginning but their ability to quickly take out worker units and tech buildings are pretty awesome.
Zergling rush. Tried and true. What more is there to say.
Helions. Great on zerg, even a small defending force of zerglings won't stand a chance.
Blink Enabled Stalkers. Probably take the longest to build up but they are the most versitile of the group too.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:27 pm
by joel
Another combo strat:
Graviton Beamed Baneling
This time its zerg and protoss. In a significant air battle, using the graviton beam on an allied baneling can be pretty devasting. If the baneling is killed in the air, it will do air splash damage and no friendly damage! Just lift and shoot. With this strat just a few phoenixs and 2 or 3 banelings can take out a significant air force.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:53 pm
by jeSteR
With regards to the reapers. I told you about the bunker strategy right?
You send over an SCV to build a bunker at 9/10 right by the opponents Nexus. Then before they can get up a second zealot, you get your reaper in the bunker. bye bye probes. You'll need to build your barraks reasonably close to their base for this to work.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:19 pm
by joel
I think I am going to play around with some of the casting support units when I have a chance. I am sure some really cool strategies can come out of it and I really haven't tried out those units too much like: overseers and ravens and stuff.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:55 pm
by nature boy
i think a good strategy is to play more poker instead.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:02 pm
by joel
if it's setup i'll be there.
Re: Starcraft 2 Strategies
Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:36 am
by geForce
SC2 for PS3 pls