by Duncan » Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:55 am
i don't think you sacrifice a whole lot when you have a wife. It's moreso when you have kid(s). You can still do a ton of stuff if it's just you and your lady as long as she's not a psycho bizatch who has trust, control, emotional, and possibly mental issues. If that's the case, then good luck.
I have 2 kids now and let me say the only "free" time i have is the time between hayden goes to bed and when i have to go to bed. Usually a time between 9:30-12:00...
My weekdays usually look like this.
7:30 wake up, get ready for work
8:15 Hayden wakes up, get her brushed, dressed, fed and ready for preschool
9:00 leave to drop hayden off at preschool
9:15 leave hayden's preschool to go to work
12:00 leave work to pick up hayden from preschool and have lunch at home
5:30 get home from work and look after one of the girls so alicia can take a break
6:30 have dinner
7:00 hang out and play with hayden or ellie
8:00 give hayden a bath
8:30 sit with hayden watching tv while she has her milk and down time
9:00 help hayden get ready for bed (potty/brush teeth)
9:15 Hayden goes to bed
9:30 take a shower
10:00-12:00 Watch a little bit of TV, maybe feed ellie the bottle, every other day we bathe ellie, and maybe anything else i need to catch up on
also throw in there every so often feed and change ellie's diaper. And i'm pretty lucky to live close to work so that saves me a ton of time during the day. I drive for 5 minutes each way while some people drive for upwards of almost an hour
Free time these days is more like "organized and agreed upon free time". Like if i want to play hockey, alicia's cool with that. She's more than capable of watching 2 kids for a couple hours. We understand that we have hobbies so we're pretty lax about each others' sports. She goes to field hockey. Don't confuse "free" time with spontaneity, and do whatever you want, whenever you want. And often times if you want to do something, it might just cut into the amount of hrs of sleep you get. Weekends are also a smattering of events to keep the kids occupied. But if i wanted to go golf or do something else, alicia's willing to watch the kids for a few hrs and i'd be willing to do the same for her. It's really just a matter of being a tag team. Sometimes you have to divide to conquer.
If you're looking achieve your goals, it's more than doable with a family. However, the only diff is that goals often change when you have a family. I agree with Nathan, down time is important and i find i have more energy when i get down time.
My exercise goals are still there, but it's just that other goals have supplanted those goals and take a higher priority. Like raising two Godly girls. Getting them to school on time. Potty training, and other stuff.
I think it really does boil down to motivation. If i really were motivated, i'd just cut down on the hrs of sleep i get a day to work out or exercise.
Mind you, the first 5 years are probably the busiest for a parent. Until your kid goes into full time school, you're there for them at every milestone and event of their life. When they turn 3 or 4, they can start attending things w/o your supervision too. Hayden just started preschool and soccer. We're gonna enroll her in skating and maybe even floor hockey next year. We just took her to soccer last night at bonsor and for 30 min, she played soccer with her teachers and other kids. If i wanted to, i could possibly work out for the 30 minutes she's playing soccer for.
Living a "balanced" lifestyle is really up to you depending on what you mean by balanced. My idea of balanced is raising my kids properly, not growing apart from my wife, finding time for God, and looking after my own personal interests. It's hard to find balance, and even if/when you do, there's always something that comes up and throws that balance off and you have to find it again. Just gotta remember what's important to you.
I know we joke a lot about our wives/family on the forumz, but imo, i think everyone who has a family on this board is doing a good job balancing personal needs/interests with family life.
Nathan has his forumz addiction, and he does the stationary cycle
Jai still plays hockey and has some time to work out
Dave has time to collect toys and facilitate his hoarding
Gordon has time to serve at church and pw
Joel has time to play hockey and work out and jog with Joyce
and once things settle down a bit more for me, i'll be back at hockey as well.
Not to mention we all play poker and somehow have time to catch our favourite tv shows weekly.
There are tons of things you can trim off if you are serious about your goals. It's just that you have to manage your time better. Everything has to be scheduled.
wow, that was a long post
i really should be working