I went to the doctor about 3 months ago to get some more nasal spray, and he wanted to just do a routine blood pressure check.
I've always had this whitecoat syndrome thing where I get nervous at the doctor's office. I'm not scared of the doctor himself, but I just get really nervous that he'll find something wrong with me. Anyway, so again, when he checked my blood pressure, it was high, like around 170/90. He knows I have whitecoat, so he asked me what readings I get at home. I hadn't been checking recently, but doc told me to start monitoring it again.
So, I started doing it again. I used to get around 130/80, but now I've been getting an average of 155/85, which is slightly elevated and considered mild hypertension. I told the doctor, and he said that there's a possibility that whitecoat syndrome extends to at home too... pretty much the thought of even taking my own blood pressure reading will trigger that nervousness. On the safe side, he told me to lose weight and put me on mild blood pressure medication.
I finally got around to doing the Paleo diet thing. I think I started about 2 or 3 weeks after Jai and Dunc did. I've been on it for about 3 weeks now. I've also incorporated intermittent fasting to my weekly routine (or aka 5:2 diet).
http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/ ... -fast-days
So, 5 days of the week, you eat "normally", then for 2 consecutive days of the week, you would "fast". Not fasting as in completely not eating, but restricting your food intake to about half of what you normally eat. I think it's a complementary diet plan to the Paleo diet. The reasoning behind the 5:2 Diet is that our hunter/gatherer ancestors didn't get to eat every day. They only ate when they were successful in catching their food, which in reality, was not every day for them.
So after 3 weeks, I've lost about 8-10 pounds (I forgot to weigh myself before starting, so I'm going by 3 month old weight). Not anything really amazing, but I think it's not bad for being mostly sedentary.