by se7entse7en » Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:55 pm
Here are some tips that I picked up from when I lifted weights more often:
Do what ever's most important to you... first. If you want to lose weight, start with cardio. If you want to gain muscle, start with weights. If you want hooge legs, start with squats/deadlifts.
There's no such thing as spot reduction. If you want to lose weight around your gut... exercise your whole body. Want to lose your double chin? Excersise your whole body. Avoid the foo-foo isolation exercises... or at least, do them last. ie. wrist curls, bicep curls, tricep extensions, flys, etc. Stick to the big muscle groups (chest, back, legs) and avoid the machines like Smithmachine, pec-dec, leg extensions machine, etc. Machines, though they seem safer for you, actually are not as they force your body to conform to their strict movements. We do not move in perfectly straight lines. Also, machines add in too much stability. This may mean we can push more weight on them, but when we get to real-life, we end up pulling our stabilizing muscles.
Compound movements are key. Benchpress, squats (@$$-to-the-grass), bentover rows, and deadlifts. Deadlifts will work out virtually every muscle in your body. Quads, calves, hams, glutes, most of your back, traps, forearms... the list goes on and on. Regarding deadlifts, I found it helpful (form-wise) to focus more on driving the hips forward and less on trying to lift the weight.
Low and high pulley cable rows/pulls are ok. I would not consider low/high cable pulls to be 'machines' as they do not restrict your movements. If done correctly, many people with bad knees can still do squats (and some claim that doing them actually helps their knees... just make sure your knees never extend past your toes) but I don't know your situation... only you do. It's your call.
Eat many, but small meals throughout the day. Try to eat something every couple of hours... just don't try and eat a huge plate of pasta every time. An apple here, a handful of nuts there... etc. In other words, graze.
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