155 lbs. 10.3% body fat
21.1km downhill race- 1:46:20 (5:02 /km)
20.4km flat training run- 1:44:24 (5:08 /km)
21.0km rolling training run- 1:49:14 (5:11 /km)
Target Dates:
May 1, 2011 (BMO Vancouver Marathon) or May 29, 2011 (Scotia Calgary Marathon)
A full marathon in under 4 hours (5:41 /km). As I am still a relatively new runner I am unsure if it is wise for me to attempt a full marathon at this time, but I intend to try and just play it by ear. If my body says no, then no.
If I am unable to complete the marathon training, the goal will be to complete the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon in under 1:47:00 (5:04 /km) and would be a 14 minute improvement over my 2010 time... which was a bomb. This is a challenge due to the ~1 mile long climb up to Prospect Point.
Official Start date: January 4, 2011 (?)
Try not to lose too much fitness running 2-3 times a week (weather permitting) until the end of December.
Join the RunningRoom Marathon clinic in January and try to stick to their training plan.
Planned daily caloric intake: Whatever it takes to improve my times. Experimentation will be involved.