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redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby nature boy » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:08 pm

no, actually it's chemical. for some the dark produces more melatonin in your system which makes you a morning person. and for others the needed melatonin isn't produced as readily in the dark, so they have a harder time falling asleep. it's just genes.

so there actually are people born night people and morning people.

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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby Duncan » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:23 pm

i think that's only part of the equation though. i don't believe you can just say it's chemical and be done with it. it's just like how some people are born with allergies and exposure to the allergy over time has produced immunities to the allergies. It's a human trait to adjust and evolve. But at the same time, just because you may not produce as much melatonin at night doesn't mean you can't try to head to bed earlier... there are plenty of times where i don't feel sleepy but i get into bed at a decent hour anyways because lets face it, i'm more apt to fall asleep in bed in the dark than i am sitting in front of the tv or reading a book on my ereader.

Just curious, how do you know that's it's a lack of melatonin production for you. Did you get tested for this?

I think sleep training can be affective if you're willing to do it (i suppose for you and your kid). once again, I'm not saying you should do something or shouldn't do something... just offering an alternate explanation and solution to redbull/coffee because it seems a little healthier than drinks full of caffeine
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby nature boy » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:28 pm

i know i'm like that because i was like that since i was a kid (along with 2/3's of my siblings). i'd toss and turn for a good hour or so before i fall asleep. rarely could i sleep before midnight even at grade 3.

there have been times that i was able to sleep early and wake up early for a good week or so, but then i'd have a night where i just couldn't sleep and it started all over again. for a time at shoppers i started my shift at 7:30am every day, and i was able to keep that schedule of waking up on time for maybe a week and then i couldn't sleep at night anymore and i got later and later until the guy i was replacing finally came back.

i totally think it can be trained, but sometimes i think the training is more trouble than it's worth (seeing as how it doesn't usually stick with me).

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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby Duncan » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:36 pm

how about this, if you sleep trained yourself, you'd have more energy to pw during the day when we're all online haha...
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby nature boy » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:38 pm

meh. not like you guys are going to catch up to me anyway haha.

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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby geForce » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:38 pm

My sleep conditioning wasn't intentional... I just had to do it because of work.
The crappy part of sleep conditioning is that if you want to sleep in, you can't.. if you want to stay up late, it's tough. When I'm awake though, I'm awake. I'm rarely ever tired when I'm in my conditioned "awake" time, even if I didn't get enough sleep the night before. I also rarely get insomnia, unless I'm sick or in an unfamiliar environment.

There was a long long stretch of time where I couldn't sleep and I couldn't figure it out. It was like for 6 months... and I think it was the combination of my new apartment, new bed and sleeping with someone beside me. All of those new things happened so suddenly, it took a long time to adjust.
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby nature boy » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:44 pm

i heard that many of us are sleep deprived. we need roughly 8-10 hours of sleep a night in order to function properly. sleep trained or not, how many of us actually get that much sleep?

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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby geForce » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:47 pm

I try to get 8 hours.... I sleep at 10pm and wake up at around 6am.
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby Duncan » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:03 pm

i try to get 8 hrs... i sleep at midnight and wake up at 8... i don't always get that much because sometimes i sleep later because things need to get done or kids wake up early or in the middle of the night, but i'd say i generally get 7-8 hrs a night.. doesn't mean i'm not sleep deprived, but i definitely feel the diff between a 6-7hr sleep and a 7-8hr sleep

how many hrs do you get a night nathan? maybe that's more of an issue than anything... if you're a night owl, maybe you should make your "official office hours" later?
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby se7entse7en » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:37 pm

I get between 7-8 hrs a night. If I get less than 7, I'm pretty much useless. Note, I also wake-up a few times each night, even on a good night, but at least it usually only takes a few minutes for me to fall back asleep.

I tend to wake-up at the same time each morning, so if I want more sleep, I need to get to bed earlier. Sleeping longer through the morning doesn't really work for me.
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby nature boy » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:28 pm

i heard on the news that you should get up at the same time everyday, regardless of what time you go to bed. it's better for you apparently, so good for you.

i get 5-7 hours a night pretty regularly. it's usually worse on sundays because i get up at 7. mondays are usually the only day i have to sleep in and i could probably make it until past noon if winnie let me.

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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby geForce » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:37 am

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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby geForce » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:12 am

So after all that talk about sleep, I ended up not sleeping that well last night lol
I had this weird headache/pain thing... there's this one section of my scalp that was really sensitive to touch and that spot would have like flickers of pain like a needle stabbing it or something. Kept me up all night.
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby se7entse7en » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:39 am

I had a lousy night as well. Maybe I should lock this thread for the sake of our sleep?
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Re: redbull or a bajillion cups of coffee?

Postby geForce » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:26 pm

Lol, do it... I need a good night's sleep please.
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