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The Chu Forums • View topic - fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

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fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

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fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

Postby nature boy » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:36 pm

i put this in the actual this or that thread, but i thought i wouldn't mind talking about it. i grew up with a fake tree and that thing (which probably cost us like 40 bucks) lasted us a good 10 years. the tree that we're using now was bought sometime in the late 90's, and although we haven't taken it out in a while we've used it at least the past 3 years.

i understand that real trees smell better and all that, but i'm starting to think that it's pretty wasteful to cut down a perfectly good oxygen-producing tree just for a smell in your living room. having said that, even a plastic tree is wasteful. what a stupid tradition.

anyway, what's your preference?

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Re: fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

Postby geForce » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:48 pm

Fake tree, but only if you use it for a long time, like for 10 years plus or until it's just too worn down.
If you're going to replace a fake tree every year, then of course a real one would be better.
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Re: fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

Postby nature boy » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:49 pm

i'm leaning towards no tree at all.

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Re: fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

Postby Duncan » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:05 am

Fake tree because the majority of people i know use a fake tree for at least 5 years if not longer.. i think the tree my parents have is the same tree we used ever since we moved into the bby house which was like 18 years ago? i know alicia's parents are still using the same fake tree from the 90's...

Alicia and i said for the 1st christmas we have when we finally move out, we'll buy a real tree... we just want the novelty of a real tree once and then we'll use a fake tree after that...
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Re: fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

Postby nature boy » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:36 pm

real trees are such a hassle. we get a real one for the church and just getting it into the church is annoying (huge mess and it sucks when you don't want to get dirty). then decorating it could get sticky, and you have to water it for the first 4-5 days (after that it doesn't drink as much water so you just water when needed). then clean up sucks because everyone throws their dead tree in our parking lot.

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Re: fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

Postby se7entse7en » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:42 pm

Pine trees are the best!!

kidding... Pine trees are the worst.
My parents used to always get real trees from their local power company so it wasn't totally wasteful. If I'm not mistaken I believe the trees were either grown specifically for use as Christmas trees, or they were cut down to keep the power lines clear. I forget which... perhaps it was a combination of both reasons.

In any case, i've always felt Christmas trees to be pointless, nevermind an unnecessary fire hazard.
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Re: fake christmas tree or real christmas tree?

Postby nature boy » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:28 pm

yeah, there are trees that are grown specifically to be christmas trees. i think they'd do a lot more for the planet if they stayed in the ground, however.

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