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I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

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I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby geForce » Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:38 pm

.. what's up with the hashtag comments after a FB post?

I thought hashtags are for Twitter groups. Does FB link your post to Twitter if you add the hashtag at the end? #confused #fbwtf #outofdate
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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby se7entse7en » Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:17 pm

I think there are ways to link your twitter account to your fb.
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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby Duncan » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:21 am

there are also apps that allow you to post one post but it'll push to both your twitter and fb (and even linkedin or foursquare or instagram and every other social media garbage medium) accounts. So people usually just used those apps to post these days if they wanna post to multiple mediums but only post once.
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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby nature boy » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:31 pm

the hashtag was originally to make keywords for twitter, so if you were trying to find something it'd be in the hashtag. then for hipster's sake, the hashtag just turned into a way of highlighting your point without so many words.

but there are a LOT of different ways to hook up your twitter, linked in and facebook. i don't know about ios, but blackberry and win8 have a "social media app" (whatever they may call it) that allows you to make one post and it's on everything (including your bbm status lol) and consolidates all your contacts and notifications and stuff like that. so if you like to read your fb newsfeed but also want to read your twitter updates, you do it all from within this one app (that's reserved for social media stuff, so it doesn't get mixed up with your texts, im's and/or emails).

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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby geForce » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:54 pm

There's an app for that... I checked. Several apps, actually.
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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby nature boy » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:57 pm

the bb one (not sure about bb10) and win8 are native apps though. not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing, but it's there on the phone out of the box.

however, the bad thing about that is twitter only gives you 140 characters (that includes spaces), but facebook gives you over 200. it's hard to update your status with that in mind sometimes.

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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby Duncan » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:01 pm

i think the apps that let you post to multiple social media outlets will check for min char counts depending on what medium you're trying to post to
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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby nature boy » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:08 pm

yeah they do, but i'm just saying that sometimes you'd want to post something, but don't care if it's on twitter or not.
i don't personally use my twitter account much, but when i was using my win8 phone it would post in both, and when i broke 140 characters a pop up would say that it cannot be posted on twitter. there was no "i don't care" setting.

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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby Duncan » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:18 pm

i think that was the point of twitter though. 140 chars was meant to keep updates short and sweet. twitter wanted to be quick and easy updates, and not long winded crap.
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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby geForce » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:38 pm

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Re: I'm not up to date with the Facebook lingo

Postby nature boy » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:40 pm

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