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Something I've been contemplating for a while...

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Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby Duncan » Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:52 am

I just dunno if i have the guts to do it... which tells me that i should probably do it...

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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby geForce » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:06 am

Seems like a lot of hassle when you could just get an actual dumb phone for $0.
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby Duncan » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:20 am

but the point of a dumb phone is if you need something like looking up the address of a restaurant or what not, you can still do it. The power is still within your grasp, whereas if you had a read dumb phone, then you'd have to do what we all used to do and call whoever we thought had no life and was always at home by a computer to look something up for them lol
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby geForce » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:33 am

I didn't think you had a problem though. I don't see you checking stuff all the time.
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby Duncan » Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:15 am

i don't, but i do find myself getting progressively worse, so if i'm playing with my kids, i'll pull out my phone every so often just to check things like hockey scores or what not. I kinda feel guilty since i should just be playing with my kids and not playing with my phone.

but i have to add that i'm nowhere near as bad as alicia. She'll sit there with her fingers scrolling around fb or surfing for things to buy on her phone and totally neglect everything around her. She has this unbelievable ability to just block everything out when she's in this zone of ignorance. you could be sitting beside her talking to her face and she'll ignore you or the kids will be doing something stupid 4 ft in front of her and she would be none the wiser. It's super annoying. I've contemplated throwing her phone against the wall as hard as i can too many times to count. so g'dam annoying
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby jeSteR » Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:27 am

I'm actually starting to get exceptionally annoyed at people who complain to me that I don't answer their (non-work related) emails / texts fast enough. People need to chill and not expect that we are all connected 24/7. I'll get back to you when I make time to read your questions. Everyone prioritizes their time differently. Not checking my phone every 10 seconds for your message is not rude, it's normal. Showing up to meetings late all the time and then checking your phone every 10 minutes during that meeting, now that is just rude.
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby Duncan » Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:33 am

i really should be working
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby nature boy » Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:18 pm

winnie would say that i check my phone all the time, but i actually don't think i do. i hardly surf and quite often there are a lot of emails that piled up that i read when i can read (like on the toilet).

i do find that i pull out my phone when i'm bored, but when i see that i have no messages to read, i usually put my phone back in my pocket and continue to be bored. i guess that's the gift of having a phone that has no good apps lol.

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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby geForce » Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:00 pm

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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby Duncan » Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:30 pm

i think the people who are like that were like that 5 years ago too... I remember sending out emails about worship practise back in amg days and nobody, i mean nobody would reply so i started signing off my emails with "no reply means compliance!" lol...

we usually organize things via texts these days... and even so, some people still don't answer texts lol... or even texts for days *cough* jungs *cough*... makes me wonder if sometimes they just lose their phone for days and not find it until they happen to come across it somewhere lol. Although dave is a little better at responding to texts/emails now... well, maybe only if it's regarding hockey or comics lol.

my work email is kinda annoying. We can only check our emails using a vm because our email is on a different domain. That vm goes into lock mode after 2 minutes of inactivity so you literally have to log in all the time to check your email even while at work. So dumb. At my work, there are people who email you, and then walk over to your desk immediately after pressing send and say "hey, did you get my email?" or there are others where you send emails to in the morning and they don't respond until 2 afternoons later...

i think emails should be treated as snail mail is now. get it when you get it, and you'll get a reply when you get a reply. If you want something faster, then pick up the friggin phone and call the person...
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby Wetundies » Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:02 pm

With email reponses, it's like snail mail, ppl will say i never got it, or it went to my junk mail. Some ppl get over 500 emails a day, so yeah, it might take a while to get your response. Then again, with phone and call-id, they can just ignore you and send you to voicemail.
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby nature boy » Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:28 pm

Lots of times I ignore calls, but divide that by how many calls I actually get, it ends up to be pretty low.
I try to answer texts right away though. But sometimes I don't get a chance, so I'd leave it for a few hours. Hardly ever more than a day, though, that'd just be weird

I remmeber having a text convo with kandie one time, and she all of a sudden stopped talking, so I was like, ok. But then almost 24 hours later, she replies with something like "oh really? What do you mean by that?" Or something like that, as though a whole day hadn't passed. I made fun of her, saying that if a day passes, the conversation is pretty much over. She said she didn't want to be rude haha.

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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby nature boy » Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:43 am

article i read today that relates:
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/opini ... .html?_r=0

not only am i wanting to really put my phone down when i get home, but i think i'm going to make an effort to get my kids to connect with more people, introverted wife or not.

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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby jeSteR » Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:52 am

That's actually one of the reason's that I let people iStalk me. When I'm at home, I pretty much throw my phone down in my den and for the most part, it stays there until I go out again. That way, if you REALLY need to get a hold of me, you'll need to call me on my home line like the Kok's do on occassion.

BTW, Great article Nat.
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Re: Something I've been contemplating for a while...

Postby se7entse7en » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:05 am

The article mentioned Neuroplasticity so I thought I'd mention that I'm currently reading a book called, "The Brain that Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge, MD. It talks about how plastic the brain really is and how it is capable of adapting. It's pretty amazing actually.
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