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The Chu Forums • View topic - 77277 text scam

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77277 text scam

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77277 text scam

Postby geForce » Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:22 pm

My dad just came to ask me if I ever got charged for text message trivia on my cell phone. I took a look at his bill, and he was charged $2 per incoming message for trivia that he didn't ask for. What a friggin scam.. I'm extremely pissed right now that Fido went ahead and charged my dad for this scam. They even admit that they know it's a scam, but they said they can't do anything about it.

The website for this scam company is text77277.com
If you have time, write to the CRTC to voice your concern.

Fido is going to get a nasty call from me tomorrow.
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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby supersuk » Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:34 pm

they have some sort of service you can report bad texts to and get your potential charges removed. yeah it sucks.

lay it into fido, they screwed me over on my data plan
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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby geForce » Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:04 am

Do you remember what that service is called?
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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby geForce » Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:39 am

So I call Fido to help my dad get back his $50. I spent an hour trying to convince the low level CS guy to let me talk to a manager... but he wouldn't let me. Instead, he let me yell at him for 45 mins. At one point, I said he has to provide proof that I subscribed to this trivia scam. He was being cocky and said fine, let's call them up right now. Here's how the convo went:

Fido: Hello, my customer has a dispute with your service. He claims he didn't subscribe to your service.
Trivia scammer: (doesn't know I'm on the line as well) On Oct 15th, your customer went to a webpage to do an IQ Test and we sent a PIN number to his cell phone and he replied back from his cell phone with the PIN number to subscribe. You know how this works right? We can't randomly send your customers text messages without them asking for it, it's impossible.
Me: Hello, I'm on the line as well.. so you're saying the only way for me to subscribe is for me to text you from my cell phone with this PIN number from the website?
Trivia scammer: Yes, you signed up for an IQ Test online and then you sent us a text message with the PIN. We don't randomly send these text messages to anyone, it's impossible.
Me: Joel (Fido guy), can you please check in your system and tell this lady how many outgoing text messages I have going out from my phone on Oct 15th, or actually, just for the fun of it, tell her how many outgoing text messages have been sent from my phone EVER in history.
Fido: Ah yes, I checked the system on Oct 15th, there are 2 incoming messages from 77277 but there are no outgoing messages at all on that day.
Me: SO, miss Trivia - please tell me how it's possible for me to have subscribed to your service if I have confirmed there are NO outgoing messages from my phone? How is that possible?
Me: Hello? umm... HELLO?
Fido: Sorry sir, she just hung up.

So after that conversation, Fido dude still didn't do anything. Retarded... it took a total of 45 mins for him to pass me to a manager who finally was able to refund the $50.
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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby [JT] » Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:02 am

lol good job
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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby supersuk » Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:04 am

You shouldnt of stopped there, you got a manager. You shoulda asked for extra credits or some sort of compensation for your time wasted.
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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby geForce » Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:30 am

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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby supersuk » Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:38 am

dunno what it is with fido, but these last few years fido service has really started to slide.
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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby nature boy » Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:22 pm

yeah, everyone always tells me that i'm retarded for sticking with fido.
they're not that cheap (nice now that they don't have access fees), their phones freaking suck, and the customer service sucks.

but then, i hear everyone's customer service sucks.
Last edited by nature boy on Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby geForce » Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:37 pm

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Re: 77277 text scam

Postby nature boy » Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:21 pm

lol oops.
i meant that they don't have access fees, so we save 6-7 bucks a month or whatever it is.

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