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oh man this pisses me off

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oh man this pisses me off

Postby nature boy » Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:45 pm

http://www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/ ... story.html
even if i hated my kids, i couldn't be this evil to any kid.

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Re: oh man this pisses me off

Postby supersuk » Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:45 am

sad what happened.

what I got from this was that the school system has been so wussified that they cant call a retard a retard anymore so that the retard can get help. instead they sugar coat retards to be like they're normal and therefore people dont recognize that they need help.
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Re: oh man this pisses me off

Postby nature boy » Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:09 am

no, i don't think it's that simple actually. if anything, the school systems classifies everyone as needing help in some shape or form. the problem is they become overwhelmed with the number of kids needing help that it becomes a "not my problem" kind of thing. this was clear with the teacher's comments. she smelled the girl, she recongised her issues, but then it wasn't her place to deal with it because she has to deal with all the other kids with problems in her class.

easier to ignore them all than to deal with them all, i guess.

you see how many kids are "diagnosed" with ADD now? it's staggering. when i was growing up, kids displaying ADD was called "being a kid".

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Re: oh man this pisses me off

Postby Wetundies » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:02 pm

I believe the whole system is messed. Keian does have a point, you can't say any negative things about kids anymore. Can't even fail them in some provinces or cities or districts, what have you.
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Re: oh man this pisses me off

Postby nature boy » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:35 pm

you can fail them, it's just not called "failing" any more.

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Re: oh man this pisses me off

Postby nature boy » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:37 pm

but yeah, the system is messed up. the kids have more rights than the parents, and i think that has contributed to a lot of dysfunctional kids.
maybe this goes in line with that sense of entitlement in the millennials thread.

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