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dog racism

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dog racism

Postby nature boy » Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:59 pm

so you probably heard about the pitbull that was stabbed to death at kits for attacking another dog, well here is a response from the pitbull's owner:
http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2013/11/stat ... ng-attack/

not sure what to think of the situation, and while "meh who cares" is somewhere in there, i can't help but to think of who is actually right and who is wrong here. if the pitbull was actually attacking then i'd imagine that i'd stab it too if it were my dog being attacked. but the owner seems to suggest that the pitbull was provoked, thus somehow making the attack (if there was one) justified.

that makes me think about the rape cases out there when the girl is "asking for it". wouldn't this be the same sort of deal? sure, the rapist might be a loving caring person, but rape is rape and chances are he'll get some sort of backlash for it (maybe not stabbed).

aaaaand i'm back at "meh who cares".

cool story bro.

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Re: dog racism

Postby se7entse7en » Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:08 pm

The man lost control of his dog. The woman lost control of her dog. It was acceptable for the man to stab the pitbull until it relented its attack. Sounds like it never did. And imo, that's the problem with pitbulls... not that they're aggressive, 'cause all dogs can be aggressive, but because they don't relent.

My parents have what seems like a pitbull-shepherd cross. Beautiful dog, but she's a total delinquent; she makes us all a little nervous.

As for the rape analogy, I'd say that if a guy attempts to rape a woman, she pulls out a gun, shoots him in the 'leg', I wouldn't have a problem with her behavior. If the man then tries to flee and she tracks him down and puts another one between his eyes, that's another story.
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Re: dog racism

Postby Wetundies » Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:10 am

A witness stepped forward. He said the old man didn't stab that many times, nor did he say the pitbull deserved to die. SPCA confirmed there was only 3 stab wounds.

Even if they were both on leash, dogs like to sniff each other, and most owners do allow it, so the pitbull still might of attacked if it was an aggressive dog. While some pitbulls like to eat giant rocks.
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Re: dog racism

Postby geForce » Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:03 pm

One of the main points of contention that many people have against the pug owner was that the pug was off-leash in an on-leash area. The pug being off-leash, was running around uncontrolled and that energy translated to aggression to the leashed pit bull. Leashed dogs can sometimes be more anxious than off-leash dogs, so that mix of situations escalated to what it was.

I agree with how that situation escalated, but I don't put the blame on the pug owner, regardless if he unlawfully let his dog off-leash.

Bringing a dog out into public areas means that you will encounter many many unforeseen situations, including other dogs off-leash in areas that aren't meant to be off-leash. It's illegal, but it's common and happens a lot. Any dog owner, especially one that has owned one for 6 years (pit bull owner) will know that. If you do not have the utmost confidence in your ability to control your dog in ANY circumstance, you should NOT be bringing your dog out into public areas where you don't know what will happen.

This isn't a case where the pug attacked the pit bull and the pit bull was defending itself. The pug was running up to it to socialize, albeit with super high energy, but it wasn't being aggressive. The pit bull freaked out and bit at the pug. The pit bull owner admits to this, but blames the pug owner for letting his dog off-leash, saying that if the dog was on-leash, this would have never happened. To me, that's a lame excuse on the pit bull owner's part. I can imagine that would have happened even if an on-leash dog with high energy happened to walk by and twitched the wrong way. And what if it was a high energy kid that ran up to the pit bull, waving a toy in its face and teasing it? Sure, the pit bull is used to being around the family's kid all the time, but in a public place with a stranger kid, that would be different.

I don't blame the pit bull... not at all. This could have happened with any breed of dog. This is a lack of control on the owner's part.
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Re: dog racism

Postby nature boy » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:16 am

i just thought it was a weird attempt to tell what "really happened" by the owner. saying that the dog is loving and all that doesn't change the fact that it had another dog in its locked jaw. because that jaw was locked down, it got it killed.

what i meant by the rape analogy was that the owner of the pitbull seems to be trying to say that the pug was "asking for it". it came without a leash (no bra), danced around the pit bull (flirting and grinding), and the pitbull attacked out of instinct (rape). and now the owner is crying saying that the dog was loving and wouldn't do such a thing (if only the other dog wasn't so delicious and easy). that kind of argument doesn't stand up in court against a rapist, nor should it stand up here among dogs.

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