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Edmonton airport pipebomb

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Edmonton airport pipebomb

Postby se7entse7en » Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:21 pm

http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/ ... -1.2499162

I don't even know where to start on this one.

He tried to sell his story to the CBC to get out of a $100 fine and $500 donation?

Well, at least the judge scolded him.
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Kerry Fraser, Head Zebra
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Re: Edmonton airport pipebomb

Postby geForce » Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:41 am

Okay, so... I'm trying to get this straight in my head.

The security guard didn't even know it was a bomb, so he tried to give it back to the kid. The kid says no, he doesn't want it and asked the security to keep it. Although security didn't call RCMP until 4 days later, the fact that they did call means that they DID know that it was a bomb. So, did the kid tell security that he doesn't want it because it's a bomb? Or did security figure it out by themselves 4 days later?

This story is all kinds of fu***d up.
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Re: Edmonton airport pipebomb

Postby se7entse7en » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:45 am

The security guard saw that it was a bomb but thought, 'meh, whatever' and tried to give it back to the kid. Other security guards saw this and intervened. They prevented the original security guard from returning the bomb. Or at least that's what they were saying on Global yesterday.

After the incident, in an attempt to revamp and tighten security at the airport, I believe they then made the security guards watch a 20 minute video. This was their penance for being dumbasses. Even they admitted this to be a joke.

And all the kid had to do was pay a $100 fine, $500 donation, and receive a scolding from the judge. A fine. A fine. A FINE? So the government is trying to make money on this... and doing a lousy job of even doing that?

This story is so bad on so many levels. It just tops the cake to hear that the kid then went to CBC and Global (and I'm sure others as well) trying to peddle his side of the story for cash. (Yes, apparently HE approached the media).

I'm embarrassed to be called a Canadian.

It just seems that there's this view that anything is ok to happen once. Oops a train derailed and dumped a ton of toxic crap somewhere. We'll know better next time. I mean seriously? Trains have been around for how long and you still haven't figured this stuff out already??

Half a dozen women are assaulted on the trails near UBC? Well, I guess it's time to start taking it seriously.

It just seems like there's a new story on the news everyday that goes something like, "Oops, we'll know better next time!" YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER FROM THE START!

We’ve lost personal information for more than half a million student loan borrowers. Oops, we'll know better next time.
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Re: Edmonton airport pipebomb

Postby nature boy » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:59 am

oh, that's what this story was about. i saw a bunch of follow up articles and i just thought it was another tsa thing and didn't bother to read it.

i can understand his fascination with making explosions, lots of kids have that. trying to sell the story is asinine though. i'd be too embarrassed to even talk about it.

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