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Android > ios

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Re: Android > ios

Postby joel » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:14 am

i know about zip on smart phones... that said i stumbled across this article:
http://www.minyanville.com/dailyfeed/20 ... from=yahoo

enuff said.
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Re: Android > ios

Postby nature boy » Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:35 am

i don't see how an iphone could be a solid communication device when everyone sends me a bunch of typos lol.

and sales =/= a better phone, if that were true then sunfires are the greatest cars ever. and we all know that's not true. i'm not saying that i hate apple, i just don't think that they're the bees knees like all the fanbois out there are saying that they are. are touch screens nice? sure, but i'd still rather have a qwerty keyboard, who wouldn't? ever try to type an email on an ipad? k, good luck with that.

and for hardware releases, in the last 4 years apple has come up with 4 phones. form factor, os, and style all very similar to the previous model. the release of the ipad was just a big iphone which you have to pay for another plan for. rim however, in the last 4 years came out with at least 15 different kinds of phones ranging from touch screen to full qwerty to compact qwerty to flip phones and slide phone. depending on what you like i'd prefer selection rather than "either this year's model or last year's model".

again, i have nothing against apple. you may recall that i paid over a grand for winnie's computer, a couple hundred for her iphone, and i have had several ipods of varying models and generations. but i think people need to realise (especially in the case of the ipod) that apple's products are basically dressed up to look good when they're offering a sub-standard product with promises that you'll be cool if you buy it ("which ipod are you?" was the slogan for the new ipod lines a few years ago, it was a blatant exploitation of the adolescent need to be identified with something).

i honestly don't see the iphone as anything different. if you got it because you want a good phone that plays videos and games and such, then good, you got a phone that works for you. but if you got it because you think it's the AWESOMEST PHONE EVARZ AND IT OWNZ ALL J00 HATERZ then i think you're retarded. and i know for a fact that many people got this phone for this reason and THAT is why apple sales are so high, NOT because they're offering a superior product.

but do i think that rim is in trouble? yeah, i do. but not because they're offering inferior products, but because people like trends, and they go to where the trend is and what's cool.

perhaps from a hardware/software standpoint i don't know as much as those engulfed in the business world, but i can say that my bb has served me for my needs well in the past 3 years. i do miss my palm at times but i don't miss carrying around another device. what i need in a device was a solid communication tool in which i can make calls, send emails/msgs, organise my calendar and edit excel and word documents. right out of the box my bb did all those things. i don't need to be able to shoot a bird across a screen for work lol.

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