by Duncan » Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:02 pm
haha, lets just face it, there are only so many ways a phone can look... and these days, it's either the iphone touch screen look, or the bb tactile keyb look, or the classic non smart phone variations... either way, the point i was trying to make is that rim hasn't done much with their look either... and them having come out with torch designs with the touch screen just means they're imitating the iphone to compete in the touch screen market... you don't see apple develop a blackberry imitation...
don't get me wrong, by no means am i an apple fanboy... to be honest, i hate apple (albeit a little less these days) but i just can't deny that it provides more for the average consumer than blackberry does. Also, my next phone could very well be an android... i have no allegiances to apple, i just don't see how you can say bb is the "bees knees" as you put it when you like it for the emailing and word processing... especially since ios/android do those things just as well unless you need government level encryption for your emails which you don't haha...
can't deny that the iphone look hasn't changed over the years, but the argument that tweaks are no reason to buy a product is kinda like saying why bother buying a new computer? i don't need new hardware, that up to date software needs to run smoothly... or i don't need the new os since my old os runs my 1990's applications fine, and so what if my old os isn't supported anymore... it's the same reason why people buy new computers, new cars, new lotsa things.. they all look the relatively the same, but the newer products have more to offer than the older products...
haha.. i jacked another thread
i really should be working