by Duncan » Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:57 am
sorry, i didn't mean to be so strongly typed in my post earlier. I want to apologize if it seemed like i was.
yea, you need a masters degree to get that high up there in the cat5 level.
anyway, i think a big problem (not the only one but a huge issue) is that right now, the government has all the money and thus all the power and the teachers think that if they don't as for a mile, they wont be given an inch. with CBA bargaining, it's unfortunately like this. You ask for 12.75% over 4 years and you might get 9% over 5. But if you start with 9% over 5, you might only get 7% over 6 years (which is actually what the government proposed from what i understand). that's why i think both are at fault. It's just like the NHL lockout. Everything's posturing until the wee hours of a deadline where both sides really want things to get done.
striking is a last ditch effort by teachers, but they have no choice in an union environment and especially in the public education sector. It's not like like the private sector where if you don't like your employer, you can quit and look for another job. As a public school teacher, you can only go to another district, but they're all under the same union and government umbrella. Private school or moving away to teach elsewhere is your only other option. Unfortunately, private school actually pays less and offers less benefits than public so that doesn't even make it any better. We forget we have choices to move from one company to another, but teachers really don't have the choice unless they choose a different profession altogether. We're actually getting close to this crossroad because of the high supply of teachers and low demand for full time positions. We're not sure if there's even a future for Alicia in teaching. IF she graduated 2 years earlier from her education program (which she should've done instead of bummed around for no good reason), then she might've had a full time position by now when there were actual full time positions available. I think many teachers see this issue and they're scared for their future so they're fighting hard for it. If the government continues to cut funding, more and more jobs will be lost. They cut something in the magnitude 500 full time teaching positions from coquitlam over the past year. Sure, it's partly due to low enrollment because of the low birthing rate, but it's also because funds keep getting cut. i think Librarians are extinct now too (mind you i don't have a huge problem with this because with today's digital age, they're not that useful).
sorry, just ranting. I think teachers need to b!tch a little less, and the government should stop giving their politicians ridonk raises and bonuses and spend a little more on our kids' education. I can't help but feel like i'm caught in the middle of all 3 angles. I have a wife who's a teacher, i'm a parent of a child in the public system, and i also pay taxes to the government who spends irresponsibly.
i really should be working