Yea, but as part of the worship team, we shouldn't have to accommodate to the late comers. If we start on time with our normal order of worship, and people don't want to miss the song portion, then they'll have to make a choice to come on time. Like i said before, we should start when we start to respect those who came on time. If we begin to cater to those who are always late (like what we're doing now), then it'll just give people who are always late more excuses to be late.
And besides, we're not there to perform, we're there to worship God. I know that's not what you meant, but singing to 3 people in the pews or 300 shouldn't matter because that isn't the point of singing. I know it sucks that we put in so much effort to serve those in the pews and if there are so few in the pews it feels like we're not being appreciated, but ultimately, i don't think it matters since we're there to praise God.
I just think it's appalling that we think it's unacceptable to be late to things like work/school but it's ok to stroll into service whenever we see fit. It's backwards if you ask me. Where are your priorities? God should be 1st and everything else is secondary. If you can make the effort to get to work/school on time, then you can do it for Sunday worship at 11 freaking 45. Just because you don't get into "trouble" for coming late to service doesn't mean it's ok...
sorry... /rant