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The Chu Forums • View topic - guys... rkw is at it again.

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guys... rkw is at it again.

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:05 am

dave, i'm not sure (as a non-facebook user) if you get how facebook actually works. it's not an "open forum", as in anyone from who-knows-where can see what you do and comment. you have your list of friends that you invite and who you can restrict to see what you post. unfortunately, in this case, rkw is a friend of my friend who is posting this stuff. rkw can see and comment on anything that my friend posts, unless my friend does one of two things: a) create lists of people to filter who can see what... this is a lot of work and most people don't bother (maybe because most people don't have an rkw on their list lol), or b) defriend rkw.

my friend has done neither because he told me that he has compassion for rkw although he's a little different and he loves him in a christian brotherly fashion, and the first option like i said is just a lot of work. i can guarantee you that my friend isn't posting this stuff to be divisive, but rather to open people's minds if anything else. in fact, for you to assume that is what he's doing (not sure if you are, but saying things like "more responsibility" and "enjoys traffic" and such leads me to believe that you are) is solely to stir up sh!t is proof that you don't see how facebook essentially works.

yes, of course discussion happens. yes, of course sometimes it gets heated or even one-sided. but that doesn't mean once it does you have to go "zomg i'm outta here" and take down the page or cater your social media usage to those who are closed minded. i don't know if my friend has pm'ed rkw in the past, but he has pm'ed me a couple times and told me not to get into discussion with him. and on the most part i have, but there are times when i just want to talk about the topic with others but it gets derailed by rkw, in which case the discussion ends. but JUST BECAUSE THIS HAPPENS does NOT make it my friend's fault for posting things that are of interest, nor is it the fault of those who participated in discussion. in fact, i wouldn't even say it's rkw's fault in derailing with his nonsensical babble. rather, it's just what happens in organic discussion. sometimes it ends well, sometimes it doesn't. to control (or even feel the need to control) the end result of the discussion (imho) causes it to cease being a discussion. rather, it's just a front to manipulate others to think what you think.

this is in no way promoting these facebook discussions, however, i do enjoy them when they are civil and well thought out (unlike the rkw ones). but i do say all this in defence of my friend who isn't here to defend himself.

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:38 pm

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby tiger » Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:20 pm

Yeah, I don't know use FB so I only get tidbits of it when I cyber stalk people on Corris' FB acct, which is pretty rare. But the occasions I have seen Corris using FB, it shows all the new stuff people in her friend list have posted, some of it pretty pointless stuff. So when you post something on FB, all your friends see what you posted and see everyone's responses to it if they are friends with both parties, if I'm not mistaken. So if you and Ben decide to post a bunch of stuff and have a 3 page personal conversation of one liners on your FB wall, would all your comments show up to all your friends? Would they be getting a bunch of notifications that "Ben commented on Nat's wall"?

Can't your friend start a "discussion thread" and invite only his friends to join? And whoever is interested can join that and receive notifications of postings/comments, etc. instead of going to all his friends? Like here, where there's a sub-forum, a discussion topic thread, and the posts are within the thread. If our posts and discussion went out to everyone that's registered here, people could get turned off from these forums b/c of all the "spamming".

For the BBM group, it's spam, but we all know that when we signed up for the group that it's going to be pretty random crap.

As for your friend, because he talked to you about not getting into discussions with RKW, he's already taken more responsibility for the stuff he posts. I'm sure your friend has found different ways of "bookmarking" articles for himself after RKW has taken it too far.

Plus, I'm not saying that your friend intentionally posts stuff up to stir crap up. But I find that on social media, people have lost their filter. We should ask ourselves, "Is it a good idea to post this?" Sometimes we ask ourselves that and in our best judgement go ahead, and it blows up in our face. Unexpected stuff happens. But if become repeated, like in RKW's case, then other options might need to be explored b/c it's becoming a pattern. I assume that your friend is posting stuff up for a particular reason/purpose/good constructive discussion. When it gets de-railed, goes sideways and doesn't meet the original purpose, in part or in whole, then it could be a sign to reconsider his approach. It would defeat the purpose of posting up articles if people avoid looking at it and joining in on the discussion b/c they don't want to be subjected, directly or indirectly, to childish berating comments by RKW.

There so many cases of people posting stupid crap on Twitter/FB and then promptly taking it down b/c it was completely inappropriate.

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby geForce » Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:56 am

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:01 am

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:02 am

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:02 am

by the way, if anyone cares, you can search "rkw vancouver" or something and see the stuff he's posted around the interwebz.

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby Duncan » Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:38 pm

i was just going to say, stop chatting mumbo jumbo, i wanna see more gems lol
i really should be working
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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:36 pm

just google haha.

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby [JT] » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:36 pm

i couldnt find anything
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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:26 am

type out his full name and put something like vancouver or something.
"comment" maybe?

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby tiger » Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:54 pm

For me, if I didn't ask for it, it's crap. So people posting stuff for general interest for the general population, it's crap to me. That's just me. I'm not saying the content itself is crap and not worthy of discussion, but to me, if I didn't ask for it, and if the person doesn't know my interests, sends it to me, I consider it spam/junk mail, which equals crap to me.

That's me. I consider a lot of stuff crap b/c I'm a grumpy old man now. lol.

Different when the Vancouver Sun does it, b/c they're trying to get traffic. Even then, there are articles that are crap b/c they are put up just to stir up controversy, and make an issue when there really isn't one. The writers are paid to get views. The was some recent controversy about a Sports writer who reported something deemed "off the record", and it was seen as poor journalism and was just to create hits on their page.

Sure free speech, but it's still crap. It's within their rights to right it, and it's within my rights to think it's crap and not read it. I know if I do decide to go and read the comments section, there's going to be idiots there posting all sorts of idiotic stuff.

His page, his wall. Doesn't affect me what he does with it. And he can decide if the comments are getting out of line and if it's going against what he intended the posting to achieve. Obviously, he thinks it's fine. He doesn't think that RKW is trolling his page.

Plus if you don't like what RKW is posting or his attitude, don't read/comment on his stuff.
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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby tiger » Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:54 pm

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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby tiger » Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:42 pm

even this discussion is becoming crap/pointless to me because I'm gleaning over comments and I'm not interested in the discussion topic any more.

Not that your friend had to do anything for me, but he has already taken action on where his articles are going when RKW posts, so I think he's taken action/responsibility of his posts, so I'm good with that. Even if I wasn't, who cares. We're spending time talking about what a guy should or should not post, and how he should post it.

There was a guy trolling on your friends FB page, he did what he thought was best, that's good enough for me.
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Re: guys... rkw is at it again.

Postby nature boy » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:41 pm

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