by geForce » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:28 pm
I met this girl briefly and she added me as a FB friend. Ever since then, I've been getting spammed with tons of her (self?)righteous political and humanitarian propaganda.
This is the first time I've ever met someone this passionate about these beliefs. She organizes protests and that kind of stuff. I admit, I'm not very well-informed about all the topics, and it's not that I agree or disagree with her underlying beliefs, but it's just the way she says things sometimes that grinds my gears.
For example, there was this article she was forwarding around about rape culture and how wrong it is. Fair enough, and she asks everyone to forward to as many people as they can. Also fair enough, get the word out, I'm okay with that. Then she adds her little annoying comment - "All you men, what do you think about this? huh? Come on, take ownership". It's like she's accusing all men of propogating this rape culture.
Another example, she was mad at the governement (she's always mad, it seems) for sending heavily armed police and snipers to a "peaceful" protest. She showed a picture of one guy holding a feather kneeling in front of a crowd of armed police, with a caption saying something like, "Hey Canadians, are funding government police terrorism??? Do you really need snipers to protect the big oil company against one guy with a feather???" She failed to mention that the same group of protestors were throwing around molotov cocktails and torched 6 police cars.
It grinds my gears that this girl's passion for her own ideals has seemingly skewed how she views the truth. It grinds my gears even more that she isn't the only one who sees the "truth" this way.