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bb10 launch

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:24 am

thanks for the review.

i guess the jury's out on the browser, some say it's fast as heck, others say it's way slower than safari on ios.

a guy at church is a pretty big bb fan. he got a z10 and lumia 920 to test out and see which they wanted to give to their employees. he opened the z10 and didn't even bother with the 920 (he loves his surface though and uses that for work from time to time). so apparently his 920 is just going to sit there in the box lol (maybe i should ask if i can have it). oh, and he has no interest in setting up bes 10 either. he said when an employee leaves the company, he's just going to take the phone back. if they have personal stuff on it, it's their own fault lol.

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby geForce » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:46 am

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:54 am

i thought "the jury's out" means that it's undecided?
according to this, i'm right: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/i ... s+out.html

anyway, i remember some website (which was given less and less credibility from what i hear by all platform users) totally blasted bb10 by saying that the browser sucked. i played with it a little, and it seemed fine to me. however, i don't surf too much on my phone so i can't really compare.

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby geForce » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:58 am

Oh weird... I always thought "jury's out" meant that the jury is out of deliberations and has a decision. What a weird saying. Sorry for the confusion, please continue.
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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:09 pm

yeah, it would make more sense if you were right, it made me think about it a bit when you mentioned it.

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby joel » Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:11 pm

maybe you were thinking "the verdict's in"
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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:25 pm

yeah, now that i think of it, when the "jury is out" of the courtroom, they're deliberating. the decision has been made when the jury comes back in.
as in, the verdict is in.

yeah so how about that bb10?

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby tyson » Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:02 pm

well i really only spent about 10-15 minutes browsing google news and other news related sites. it loaded up regular web pages fast and mobile sites loaded up instantly. i didn't really hit up any pages with a lot of rich media content so it's possible it would slow down there. *shrug*

mobile safari is pretty brutal. desktop safari is only marginally better.
i really only use mobile chrome on my iphone now, so my comparison was to that and so far bb10 browser is faster.

really overall it's a pretty good device, but i would like to see the q10 for comparison. the softkeys on the z10 are way better than the iphone (probably because the screen is a little bigger) and the predictive text was good too. I could totally get used to that. But i miss the great tactile keyboard and that will be the big differentiator moving forward with BB i think.
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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:23 pm

on dubberz there are these two guys who claim to know everything about technology (one guy apparently does IT for one of the biggest IT firms in bc... but he didn't say what the company is called) said that no one wants the tactile keyboard and offering it is basically a step backwards.
not sure if i'd agree with that, as having a keyboard means you have 26 hotkeys at your disposal. and with the new universal search that covers actions (start typing "bbm so-and-so" and it'll open bbm for you), i can't see how having a tactile keyboard is a bad thing.

when they talked about the z10 keyboard, i wondered if i would want it, but already losing the convenience keys on the sides of the device was hard enough, i don't think i can get rid of all my speed dials and hot key short cuts as well.

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby Duncan » Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:51 pm

i really should be working
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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:06 pm

possible, i've heard both, and obviously used both. either case, the jury is still out.

so how about that bb10?

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:32 pm

i tried this on my playbook:
http://global.blackberry.com/static/bla ... index.html
not exactly a smooth experience, but it gives you an idea of how bb10 works on your iphone or android device.

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:11 pm

read this:
http://venturebeat.com/2013/03/21/u-s-a ... 6SdBjOG.99

then this:

i see this as typical blackberry bashing. people like to jump on the bb hater wagon any chance they get, even when their sources aren't reliable. granted, this happens to a lot of other subjects too, like for example justin bieber and twilight lol.

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Re: bb10 launch

Postby Duncan » Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:19 pm

there's typical bb bashing as much as there's typical apple bashing... it's the same shiznit over and over again... for as long as one side wants to defend, the other side will bash... paying attention to this stuff is just a waste of time imo
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Re: bb10 launch

Postby nature boy » Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:25 pm

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