hey guys, recently a new guy at my church came up to me asking for help. he told me this story about some girl in africa and how he has to send her money and so forth, anyway it's an obvious scam. he was promised millions of dollars in return for his help, but it seems like he's more concerned about helping the girl (he has a heart of gold). he asked me to help him with some money to help her, but of course i wasn't going to. anyway, i told him that i wanted to see some documentation from this overseas "lawyer" that has been helping him through this process. this is the email i got from that "lawyer":
On the instruction of Dr. *********, I here by introduce myself as Barrister Victor Poul of Victor & Ocana Avocados, Madrid Spain. I am his Legal Representative here in respect of a huge sum of money amounting to millions and which is also currently on hold pending the presentation of an Insurance Policy Certificate from any of the Government Accredited Agencies and in this case AXA SEGUROS for minimum of 3 months coverage.
The above-stated requirement is in line with LEY 1704/08 of the Spanish Financial Regulatory laws since the sum in question is very large. All pre-approval regularities as per confirmation and verification of source of fund have been established beyond every reasonable doubt and so upon clearance of the outstanding insurance obligation, the transfer of the entire funds on hold will be carried out by the Banco de España.
So this is an appeal for clemency on behalf of Dr. *********, considering the fact that only 3,800 euros only is standing between him and receiving the overdue transfer value into his nominated account.
Thanking you for your anticipated cooperation
Faithfully yours,
Sr. Victor Poul Esq
Madrid, 23/11/2009
so all i want to do now is to help this acquaintance of mine realise that this is a hoax, he seems to really believe that it's true. is there any way i can prove to him that this is fake? apparently he's already sent them money. i'm just looking for maybe a similar documented case, a conflict in names, proof that this organisation doesn't exist, etc. i'm just asking around for any tips on how to help this guy. thanks.