ok, time to set up online poker night.
online poker night DOES NOT mean we stop playing IRL at least once a week. lol
this is for real money and i'll make a spreadsheet to track who's up and who's down. (STATS OMG)
To make it simple, $20 will get you 100 chips (just like we do irl). Maximum buy-in is 200 chips. Or we can do it for less, like $10 for 100 chips?
$1-2 blinds. We will start at a certain time, and end at a certain time (need input for a good time).
If you are down, you can leave/sit out whenever you like.
If you're UP, you must stay until the end of the poker period and be blinded if you're afk. (this is to deter hit n runners).
Friday and Saturday are reserved for RL poker... So when's a good evening for everyone? I'm thinking around 2-3 hours one evening a week.
Please vote (can vote multiple days).