by Duncan » Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:01 am
oh oh,
Alicia: What's bigger? 2/3 or 75%
Duncan: Bwuahahaha... you serious?!?!?!?
<duncan turns to his left to tell Joe>
Duncan: Hey Joe! You wouldn't believe what Alicia just asked me!! "What's bigger? 2/3 or 75%?"
<joe has a perplexed look on his face>
Joe: Wudda, Jenn just asked me the exact same thing....
hahaha.... oh God bless teachers who can't teach math...
ohhhhhhhhhh... here's another one...
<duncan drives by a llama farm on the way to summer camp>
Duncan: I wonder what you farm llamas for...
Alicia: For the eggs?
Duncan: ...
<silence until duncan realises that Alicia meant what she said>
i really should be working