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The Chu Forums • View topic - New Year resolutions

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New Year resolutions

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New Year resolutions

Postby supersuk » Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:09 pm

I dont really do a traditional new year resolutions list, instead I usually make a list of things I'd like to do when i get bored or cant find anything else to do. Its just a list of things to do, not things I want to accomplish by the end of the year. Kind of like an ongoing list of fun goals.

What are your new year resolutions or lists you make?

Here are some of mine:

Go to a Comedy Club or Improv Show
Go for a multi day hike in camping trip
Road trip across Canada or several states
Surf More
Learn to play Tennis
Finish a book or two that I've started but never finished
Watch movies: Waking Life, American Beauty, Leon the professional, City of God, a Clockwork Orange, full metal jacket, sukiyaki wester django
Play on a Tornado foosball table
Run a half marathon
Go fishing
Mitsubishi city chase/tough mudders
Try a ukranian/russian/exotic cuisine that i've never tried before.
Conquor a fear (dont know what yet)
Learn to cook an amazing dish that i really like (not sure what yet, Beef bourguignon?)
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Re: New Year resolutions

Postby se7entse7en » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:03 pm

fwiw, there are three main half marathons in vancouver:
BMO Marathon/Half Marathon - May 6
Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon - June 24
New Balance Fall Classic - November 18

Out the the three I listed, the SVHM is probably the fastest (most downhill).
The NBFC is a two loop course.
The BMO Half is a brand new course which looks faster than the old one.

There are others in the area as well, though I think they are smaller.

Training for the BMO Marathon/Half Marathon starts this week.
Adjust your training accordingly.

Good luck.
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Re: New Year resolutions

Postby se7entse7en » Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:32 pm

I don't really do the New Years resolution thing either. If I think of something I want to do or change, I don't see a point in waiting until the new year to do something about it. That said, some things sure do seem to get pushed back year after year.

Anyway, here are a few things that I would like to do in 2012:
(In no particular order)

Run a 3:45 or faster marathon
Run a 100 minute half marathon
Run a sub 45 minute 10k
Run more than 1800 kilometers
Get a job
Get my apartment cleaned up and de-cluttered some more
Learn to Slap and Pop on my bass
Get a better grasp on picking and scales on my guitar
Get rid of shaw cable and either get Telus TV or just stick with HD OTA
Grow some tomato and pepper plants
Make God the most important person to me and the one in whom I find my self worth
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Re: New Year resolutions

Postby nature boy » Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:53 pm

i dont' believe in new years resolutions. nor do i really believe the new year is a "new year", but that's neither here nor there.
i am a fan of making goals for self improvement or goals in general.

my goals:
make new goals lol.

my serious goals:
start the new ministry that i've put off for the past 3 years
read more
exercise more
be better at my job
be a better husband and father

pretty straight forward goals, as if i were to make them more specific i'd fail lol.

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