by JKY88 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:26 am
The actual origin story is that one night, I was out with Jennifer and her nursing buddies. They were talking shop (read: gossiping), I was getting bored, so I just casually slipped in the question "Why do men have nipples?" To my surprise, no one knew the answer and they spent a good part of the night offering up various theories.
A few days later, one of Jenn's buddies calls and excitedly says that she has something for me. Not even 15 mins later, she's at Jenn's place and hands me the book. The title of the book is "Why Do Men Have Nipples?" It's basically a scientific answer book for stupid questions (ie. why do farts smell? why is poo brown? liquor before beer, never fear, beer before liquor, never sicker?) By the way, the actual answer is that humans are born with nipples and depending on which sex you are, your nipples develop or become superfluous, like an appendix or your fourth toe.
Then at Wendy's, I bring this up and someone posits the theory that if you sucked on a man's nipple, you could reawaken long dormant hormones and cause said sucked nipple to produce milk just like a member of the opposite sex. Then Dave just took this theory and ran with it, in the way that only Dave can