FYI for those that post process their pictures
Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:15 am
by jeSteR
I always wondered why the colours of my pics always seemed off whenever I pulled them up on my work computers. Now I know ... more-61075
Re: FYI for those that post process their pictures
Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:28 am
by se7entse7en
I've always been annoyed (and confused) by ICC color profiles and monitor calibration, etc.
For work I was given a bunch of pics to post on our website. Some would load in a browser, some wouldn't. Took me half a day to figure out it wasn't a coding issue but rather that some of the pics had a color profile incompatible with some browsers. I was having one of those 'throw the computer out the window' sorts of days too. So annoying.
Re: FYI for those that post process their pictures
Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:28 pm
by nature boy
why are you post processing pics at work? lol.
my work computer is solely for browsing forums, not wasting time.