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Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:42 am
by geForce ... t-1.930385I'm of mixed feelings about this..
I think the whole patent war thing is stupid. It's just so much pettiness over such small details.
On the other hand, I'm glad it's over now and maybe this will result in more variety of phones.
Better get a Samsung Galaxy while you still can.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:52 am
by Duncan
it's probably far from over... these cases always have appeals over appeals over appeals...
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:34 am
by Wetundies
S3 wasn't included in the dispute. But you can't make rectangluar phones now, so we are gonna see triangle phones, that's if someone hasn't patented that already.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:04 am
by Wetundies
So i'm hearing that all the air cargo rates are going up cuz of some company booking it all up for a product launch.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:46 pm
by nature boy
i think it's redonkulous that apple thinks that they invented the pinch to zoom thing. you can't patent a gesture. what's next? apple invented waving hello? the cool nod hello? the swag walk?
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:48 pm
by se7entse7en
... and the G D C chord progression.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:51 pm
by nature boy
i remember a few years back apple tried to stop samsung's selling of the galaxy tab in europe or something by saying they copied the ipad. so they photoshopped some picture of the tab to make it look more like the ipad, and samsung couldn't sell anything for a few months. apple lost and had to pay samsung a bunch of money for lost profits. i guess it's payback time.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:59 pm
by jeSteR
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:02 pm
by nature boy
my brother said something about samsung's ceo or some top exec used to work for apple. i wonder where they got their ideas from then haha.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:07 am
by Wetundies
One of samsung's old ceo was the president of Korea.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:23 am
by nature boy
actually, my cousin's gf's dad is pretty high up in samsung too (she's korean). i heard him mention something about them getting free stuff all the time or something.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:11 am
by Wetundies
G used to get free stuff all the time.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:12 pm
by nature boy
yeah, greatest job ever.
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:18 am
by jeSteR
Funny how Blackberry didn't care when Google was trying to rip of their IP ... out-google
Re: Apple wins $1bil vs Samsung
Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:03 am
by nature boy
this is what my brother was telling me about google stealing ideas.
the funny thing is that i think what apple is doing is just making android more popular. there are lots of apple haters out there, perhaps hating more their business practices than products. i'd think that all this publicity on apple's hatred on android will just push those people to buy android.