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what the feminist?
Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:47 pm
by nature boy
a friend of mine posted this blog article on seth mcfarlane's job at hosting the oscars. he might have been out of line (i didn't see it so i don't know), but to say that the whole industry is sexist? ... tters.htmlwhat shocks me (and there's no way i'd get away with this had i posted this comment on my friend's page) is that maybe the fact that 30 men and "only" 9 women walked away with awards isn't about sexism but maybe it's about how there are more men in the industry that do what they do really well. there are categories for best male blah blah and best female blah blah, but how many women composers are out there? how many women special effects artists? screenplay writers? and so forth?
i see her point though, she's saying that it's hosts like mcfarlane that pushes women away from the industry. well i say that's crap. if it's true, then it's more on the women for not following their dreams because they're afraid of being hazed than it is on the men who make these bad jokes.
i'm all for equal rights. but extreme feminism is idiotic.
Re: what the feminist?
Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:49 pm
by se7entse7en
The take-home message from the article will be, "More women need to start debasing men".
Re: what the feminist?
Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:07 pm
by jeSteR
If you didn't catch it, Seth actually retweeted something pretty funny.
Crutnacker @Crutnacker
Why Seth MacFarlane's Oscars were mean spirited and misogynistic, coming up next after our review of the worst dressed women.
And this from Seth too.
Seth MacFarlane @SethMacFarlane
The Oscars is basically the Kobayashi Maru test.
I personally thought that he did very well and that the lines that he crossed were nowhere near the lines that are constantly crossed in the movies that the awards show were actually celebrating. Were they crude? Yup. Were they funny? Heck Yup. No worse than College Humor.
Re: what the feminist?
Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:11 pm
by nature boy
i actually don't exactly appreciate seth macfarlane's humour all the time. i remember during a conan interview he told a story about how in high school he took a kid with polio's crutches and took off the rubber feet so he was falling all over the place. seth was cracking up telling the story, and conan was clearly uncomfortable as well as the audience.
having said that, in no way should the whole idea of the oscars be put onto one host's jokes or personality. nor should an entire industry be rated sexist by lack of interest in females to get involved. that's just short-sighted.
family guy is hilarious though.
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:54 pm
by Duncan
for some reason, i think his jokes in cartoon form are more acceptable and hilarious, but when delivered in person, he's just a racist, sexist, homophobic a$$... lol
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:22 pm
by nature boy
i actually only know him outside of the cartoons by that one interview i saw haha.
i don't think i've seen him do anything else other than that.
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:21 pm
by Duncan
based on what you said in that interview, his outside the cartoon persona is pretty much what you saw... lol.. he's pretty crude and nothing is off limits...
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:23 pm
by nature boy
yeah that's what i figured. during that interview he didn't seem to care about anything but being funny.
Re: what the feminist?
Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:53 pm
by geForce
Here's an interesting but long article about how satire should be interpreted. ... nt-problem
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:14 pm
by nature boy
oh yeah, i forgot i finally read this the other day.
i kinda wish i watched the oscars now. i doubt i would have seen what the author of the article did, but it'd be interesting to have put it in perspective.
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:30 pm
by geForce
I didn't watch it either, but if the humour at the Oscars was anything like how it is in Family Guy, then I already have a good idea. The problem is, everyone sees Family Guy and Seth McFarlane as crude. If you really look at the things he jokes about, you know he's actually really educated and informed about a lot of current issues.
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:27 pm
by nature boy
yeah, that's what the article was saying.
i posted this on my friend's wall who posted the original article. she was mad when she posted the original, but after i posted this one she said it was better than the first.
she's still a feminist though.
Re: what the feminist?
Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:26 pm
by nature boy
another example as to why extreme feminism isn't all that healthy. ... f-control/
Re: what the feminist?
Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:29 pm
by nature boy
so this same feminist friend posted this article: ... _ref=falseand said she totally disagrees because "stay at home dads" are important too.
i dunno, i think she's missing the point. she seeing everything with the word "feminist" and "don't" in it as bad. my wife is a stay at home mom. it's great for our kids. if that anti-feminist?
Re: what the feminist?
Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:07 am
by Wetundies
Females = 3 C(s)