by joel » Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:37 pm
so i was talking to joyce about this, and she mentioned how one of her regents profs was explaining how we humans continuously create structures that in the end, begin structuring ourselves.
for example, first we create cars, then to support those cars and our dependence on this "technology", we create roads, highways, gas stations, parking lots, bridges, oil pipelines, garages, etc...
there are countless industries that we invent and create whole infrastructures to support that by in general terms are non-necessity.
so our own creations end up controlling us as well as what jobs exist out there...
it's hard to say what is a BS job or not, everyone has differing opinions on what jobs creates value to society or not... but with a lot of jobs listed by the article writer, it seems it's financials drives the value of some of the jobs he listed. Yes maybe a corporate lawyer adds nothing to the general public, but for perhaps that corporate company that uses him, he helps them save, or acquire millions of dollars through his job. and part of the reason he is compensated as such.
is his job less or more important to society than the garbage collector? it all depends on the eye of the beholder. to some villager in some 3rd world country, maybe neither are very important...