Looking for ideas.
I want to keep track of and store the 'speed' of my bike when I'm on the trainer. ('Speed' is in quotes 'cause I'm on the trainer and not actually going anywhere). I have a speedometer that keeps track of the speed in real time by detecting electrical pulses sent by a transducer, but it doesn't store the speeds.
My first thought was to write a usb driver to read these pulses and record the speed on my laptop. Kinda sounded like a lot of trouble, if not impossible, though. Then I thought about getting a USB->Serial Port and reading the pulses from the serial port. Sounded a bit more feasible but still a bit of work. I've never tried reading from the serial port like this before.
I also thought about sending the pulses to the headphone jack and recording the pulses as wav/wma/whatever, then writing a parsing routine (somehow) to detect the pulses... etc. Sounds possible but is there a better/easier way?
Then I thought about sending the pulses to a heartrate monitor which would then send the data to my gps watch which I could then upload to my laptop and repurpose. The hrm is $50-80 though, and I'm cheap. Also, there's a chance that there's some internal filtering algorithm in the watch to discount pulses outside of the range of a heartrate, whereas I'd need it to stay functional up to about 480 'bpm'.
Anybody have any suggestions for a cheaper alternative or any other ideas?