by tiger » Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:12 pm
to keep the math easier, 30% of gross income. Don't forget to budget for RRSP, savings, and emergency spending. Those are 3 distinct catagories that should not be mixed. RRSP for retirement, Savings for future necessary purchases, emergency funds for unexpected bills.
If in a few years you haven't had many emergencies or if you got your furniture/TV cheap, you can pay down your mortgage.
35 year mortgages are not recommended unless you get a really long term low rate. Always try to get out of your mortgage quick. The quicker, the less interest.
Typically, the 1st 5 years of your mortgage only covers your mortgage payments. You don't cut into your principle until then. (but it depends on the interest rate). If you can live at home rent free (or at some reduced amount), and can rent the place out so it pretty much covers the mortgage, that helps a lot. You can even double down on your mortgage payments to reduce the effects of compound interest.
Because we rented our basement and were agressive with our payments, most of the interest on our mortgage was covered by rent.
Unfortunately, the biggest dent you can make on your mortgage is a larger downpayment. Which is why I advocate saving everything you have for that down payment.
As you mentioned earlier, the interest will be more than the principle over the entire term of the mortgage. So for every $1 you borrow, you pay back $2. So for every $1 you don't borrow, you save $1. So that shirt you got for 10% off, really cost you twice as much, and has no re-sale value.
I'm glad you are asking these questions, so you can see with both eyes wide open what is happening to your hard earned money. There may have been some purchases that you made in the past that you will come to regret. Learn from them. (glad to see your item #3). Many people don't want to look back at past mistakes b/c it makes them feel stupid. But would you rather keep making those mistakes?
If you are interested in a townhouse in Surrey, I still have that contact. They are doing another site, but it's been selling quick and prices have already jumped $20k. I don't know if I can still get any deals for you. The site is on 84th & 164th. was 320k a unit, now 340. meager skills were no match for his devastating...