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Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

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Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby geForce » Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:57 am

Nokia's new CEO made an official announcement today that they are partnering with Microsoft to have Windows Phone 7 as the new flagship OS.

Even with WP7, not sure how well Nokia is going to do. With Apple and Blackberry and now the reintroduction of HP's rebranded Palm webOS (which is pretty dang sweet, by the way) in the market, competition is pretty tough.
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby geForce » Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:58 am

Oh yeah... Nokia dropped Maemo too... even before it officially launched.
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby supersuk » Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:57 am

maemo was on the N700 or whatever.. my friend has that. lol..

Winphone7 ... interesting that they want to differentiate from the android market... Interesting to watch nokia fall from market leader position in just a few short years.

Time to get a new phone...
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby geForce » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:18 am

Well, the new Nokia CEO is an ex-Microsoft exec. They were also in talks with Google to partner up using Android, but the CEO's ties with Microsoft probably won over.
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby nature boy » Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:50 pm

weird, symbian is still in the number 2 spot by a fair margin. but i guess they recognise that their days are numbered.
and windows phones suck from what i hear, so i'm surprised that they'd go that route. but then i suppose they have no choice unless they just want to develop something totally new.

keian, the new lineup for blackberries for this year was announced. look forward to a new everything including a curve touch (full touch screen) and a bold touch (which looks just like my bold but with a small ass touch screen lol what's the point). but i'm looking forward to the new torch.

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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby jeSteR » Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:20 pm

Being closely tied with RIM folks over in Ontario, I have to say that I'm VERY dissapointed with the development in their mobile roadmap for the next 3 years. It's pretty clear that they're putting all their eggs into the Playbook basket and are content to play catchup to androids and iOS for the foreseeable future in the mobile market. Their advantage in push is the amout of compression they do all in the name of cost savings for usage fees. As the carriers continue to push forward with higher mobile bandwidth for less money, they'll lose their biggest advantage without a plan to start playing seriously in their mobile offerings.

Honestly.... apart from BBM (which isn't really even a premium feature as eventually, blackberry people will someday figure out that there are already three premium free messaging apps for cross platforms that will do everything that BBM does but better.) there isn't a real advantage anymore for the anyone let alone corporate entities to continue to be loyal to RIM. They're just hesitant to switch for now as they've invested so much in the BES infrastructure. But once the technology refresh comes in less than three years, RIM better have a better story to pitch for the mobile market apart from BBM and data compression or they will lose what's left of their share to the Google / iOS / WebOS peeps.

I stood by palm forever because the tech was superior. I still think that webOS is superior, but the people have spoken. They like flashy / sexy mobiles that can do more than just move small amounts of text cheap.. that's why Palm almost died.... even with a superior platform.

RIM doesn't even have that.
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby supersuk » Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:51 pm

Aslo, Rim's hardware is about 1-2 years behind... Look at their flagship torch, specs on the torch have been on other company's flagships years ago.

And bbm.... seriously.. 75% of all the chicks i meet have a blackberry and bbm on it non stop. The other 25 % are on apple and play <insert some lame pixel aquiring game> it 24/7.
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby nature boy » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:08 pm

please refer to to make sense of everything.

one thing that blackberry has that other major smartphones don't is a tactile keyboard. complain about your sausage fingers all you want, but i can't seem to get used to typing on a touch screen. i couldn't do it on a palm (mind you, that was with a stylus), on the ipod touch i recently got rid of, or on winnie's iphone when she gets me to type stuff in for her. there's something about being able to feel my way around a keyboard that does it for me.

i get that ios and android have better apps (which is what all the fanbois keep talking to me about) and probably a few other perks, but when all i need is a solid messaging phone where i can receive/send emails/texts/messages and check the occasional website all with a tactile keyboard and has pretty much all the apps i need out of the box, then why bother going with the masses? especially since blackberries are cheaper and more readily available than iphones and android phones.

and i actually don't think bbm is that great. i don't see how it's any better than just texting someone, but whatevs.

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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby supersuk » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:32 pm

its not all that great.. its better than text messaging, but no better than say MSN..... Its just default there, so people use it.

Other smart phones have keyboards too.
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby jeSteR » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:49 pm

There are android phones with tactile keyboards.

But I do totally get your point. Like I've said before, if my iphone wasn't free, I'd only have a phone that allows me to text, and make calls. All the multimedia stuff wasn't a must for me, but it's a nice thing to have. My point isn't what I'm looking for though.... it's what the masses are calling for, and ultimately, what's going to drive the development and evolution of mobile computing. I've used a Torch for a day... and compared to the Bold, it's slower, and compared to a iphone 4 or any andriod 2.1 (not even 2.2) device, it's mother A$$ slow and laggy. Hardly what I'd call a flagship product. RIM is falling behind, FAST.

On one positive note, it's nice to finally see a usable calendar on a "business" device... albeit 2 years late. The PalmOS calendar from 1997 was more feature laden than the Blackberry calendar pre OS6.

The greatest draw of BBM for all the socially absorbed / I need to be heard generation is the little "D" and little "R" beside the messages
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby supersuk » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:53 pm

"I need to be heard generation is the little "D" and little "R" beside the messages"

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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby nature boy » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:55 pm

lol that little d and little r are annoying. i hate it when people know if i'm ignoring them or not lol.

i've played with other tactile keyboards too, and to be honest none of them hold a match to my old curve 8900 keyboard (i hate to say that i'm not huge on my bold 9780 keyboard, but it's still better than most).

but i think it's true, all the warning signs are there for RIM to get their act together or they're going to fall the way of palm, in other words, now is probably not a good time to apply for any RIM jobs.


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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby nature boy » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:56 pm

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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby supersuk » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:34 pm

so pretty much, get a D and no reply - Fake PIN foreveralone.jpg
get an R and no reply - being ignored, foreveralone.jpg


LOL THATS FREAKING AWESOME, that'll come in handy for creepers like me
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Re: Bye bye Symbian and Nokia as we knew it

Postby nature boy » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:52 pm

haha, well if it was a fake pin then you couldn't message the person anyway. if it stays d forever it could just mean that the person you message never checks their phone. if no d shows up at all that means their bbm is either turned off or inactive (like how mine was for most of january).
but the r and no reply means forever alone.

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