update on lame situation:
i moved the porti potty all the way on their side, i didn't tip it over in case they get pissed off and pee on our garage, but it was teetering quite precariously at the edge of their chewed up yard. it hasn't moved since.
BUT they went ahead and built a fence. a taller, uglier, unpainted fence. nono, they didn't take down our fence, they just build this taller, uglier, unpainted fence RIGHT BESIDE OURS. and because it's taller, they can't see our fence but we SURE AS F*#K CAN SEE THEIRS. did i mention that it was ugly?
i'm going to train ryan to be a construction worker. the greatest construction worker that ever lived. and when they're at the brink of making the greatest deal of their lives and need ryan to spearhead it, he'll say "screw you guys, you pissed off my dad when i was in diapers" and leave them high and dry. ooh. payback is a bitch.