by Duncan » Fri May 20, 2011 11:22 am
lol.. everyone's pretty much said most of my pet peaves but here are some more
1) left turners in the intersection who inch their car left to see around the left turner in oncoming traffic only to have the oncoming traffic car make his turn safely leaving the incher to block the left lane of oncoming traffic... wtffff
2) pedestrians who put their palm up like a traffic cop to stop traffic just to j-walk. how can they think it's ok just because you have your hand up to tell cars to stop even when there are cars clearly zooming back and forth on the road. if the car doesn't see you they might slam on their breaks and cause the car behind them to rear end them.
3) cars that stop for a red light in a single lane intersection and block the shoulder area that allows other cars to turn right during a red light
4) obvious one that somehow nobody said, tailgaters... seriously, don't you see the "baby on board" sign in my car?
5) Richmond drivers... yes, just all of them...
6) the idiot at the front of the protected left turn lane who doesn't see the green arrow until it turns amber and turns just as the protected left turns red screwing over the 5-10 cars behind him
7) people who honk as soon as the red light in front of you turns green. Chill dude, it does take about 1/2 a second for me to lift my foot off my break and press the gas. what's your rush? you're just encouraging me to drive slower in front of you haha
i'm sure there's more but i'm hungry and it's lunch time
i really should be working