almost everyone uses services one way or another, but maybe not the specific ones you mentioned.. here's a list:
# Basic Cable Television
# Local Residential Phone
# Repair to Certain Household Appliances (e.g., Stoves, Ovens, Refrigerators, Washers, and Dryers)
# Repair, Maintenance or Renovation Services for Real Property (e.g., Plumbing Electrical Wiring)
# Landscaping, Lawn-Care, Private Snow Removal and House Cleaning
# Computer Software Repair Services (e.g., virus removal or software installation)
# Funeral Services
# Fitness Trainer
# Hair Stylist/Barber
# Esthetician Services (e.g., Manicures, Pedicures, Facials)
# Accounting Services
# Interior Design Services
# Wedding Planning Services
# Veterinarian Services
# Dry Cleaning
# Catering and Event Planning Services (e.g., planning, consulting, coordinating and organizin
So maybe it's only $10 a month for just restaurant meals... then add on the rest of services above, then the rest for entertainment, home costs, snack foods, travel, car purchase, etc.. maybe. It's reasonable by the end of the year that you've probably spent 300-500 more on tax per person. and hey maybe that's still not a big cost for you. But then if you ask voters which would you prefer, keep an extra 300-500 in their wallets or let the government have it... i'm thinking most are going to vote to keep it.
so like i said whatever option is the best for that individual... on the other hand a business owner who is looking at saving several hundred dollars a year may vote the other way.