by jeSteR » Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:26 am
From a person that did NOT read the books, the movie was not confusing at all.
I thought the movie was enjoyable enough and tied things up neatly for the rest of the movie.
What I did NOT enjoy, was the annoying woman beside me that let out a MASSIVE overdramatic sigh every time the movie must have deviated from or eliminated something from the book. This happened a LOT during the course of the movie. (No, Corris did not sit beside me)
People need to understand that condensing a 1000 page novel into 4 hours of screen time will necessitate cutting and or changing the order of stuff to accomodate proper pacing. If you understand this, then you might actually have a chance at enjoying the movie, if not, why bother going as you know that you are only going to be dissappointed. It's not rocket science. I challenge anyone to demonstrate an example where a 2 hour movie adaptation is better than the book.... it just doesn't happen. LOTR was close... but still fell short.
This is why I am much more a fan of what HBO is doing with really popular novels. Make a Kick ASS series out of them.
R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones is 800+ pages long and the HBO series took up 10 hours of screen time. There were still a few things that were left out and or glossed over but all in all, a VERY accurate recreation of the novel. Probably close to 90%. This is how you do an adaptation properly.