So after being relatively impressed by the first 2 Ip Man movies, i had decent expectations for the third installment of the Ip Man series. The 3rd one is actually a prequel to the other two where it highlights a younger Ip Man and his development in his Wing Chun skills.
Anyways, to sum it up, i was thoroughly disappointed. This movie recycled the SAME actors in the first and second movie with DIFFERENT characters. Ip Man's brother in the 3rd movie, was the same guy who played a weird mandarin speaking antagonist in the 1st movie. Samo Hung who was an opposing Kung Fu master in the 2nd movie (and died btw), was a different Kung Fu master in the 3rd movie teaching Wing Chun, AND he dies again in the 3rd. The new Ip Man actor sucked compared to Donny Yen as well.
If you watch the first 2 Ip Man movies, then i recommend leaving it at that. Don't bother with the 3rd movie.