by nature boy » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:21 am
one thing that happened today didn't really bother me as it wasn't my problem but it's annoying just the same. some girl stopped at the light at smith and moscrop and she was turning left, but instead of staying near the yellow center line she stopped very much in the middle of the street. another car came up behind us and wanted to turn right and he had to squeeze the hell up against the curb to get around her puny corolla. and when the light turned green finally she veered a little TO THE RIGHT before making her left turn. it's not a tight turn by any means, there was no reason for her to veer right.
she was going the same way i was (down moscrop and right up patterson), and apparently she does that for every turn. oh, and she also likes to slam on her brakes on the turns too. actually, not ON the turn, but near the end of the turn.