by geForce » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:51 am
If someone were to put up a sign in the washroom at my work, it would have to be in point form and would look something like this:
- Please do not place wet toilet paper on top of a whole new roll of toilet paper, making the roll completely soggy and useless
- Please do not defecate on the floor
- Please do not defecate on the walls
- Please clean up food gunk left in sink after you've rinsed your mouth
- Please zip up your pants BEFORE you turn around from the urinal
- Please do not look at me while I am using the urinal next to you
- Please do not throw away paper towels onto the floor
- Please flush the toilet after doing number 2
- Please flush the toilet after doing number 1
- Please flush the toilet after doing a combination of 1 and 2
- Please flush the urinal after doing number 1
- Please do not use the urinal for number 2
All of the above a serious problems we're having in the washroom at work here.